Fisherman's Day is conceived as a holiday for fishing workers. A large number of reservoirs in our country has led to the fact that this profession has become in demand. There are many people working in this industry. There is a profession - there are professional communities that celebrate their holiday with pleasure. They are naturally joined by amateur fishermen.

The holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday in July. Fishing artels and brigades get together and organize competitions for the number of fish caught. The winners are awarded with memorable prizes. Celebration of Fisherman's Day is popular among the population. The company of professionals is also joined by those who fish exclusively on weekends, for the soul.
On this day, they congratulate those who go fishing for a long time, as well as amateur fishermen who occasionally like to stand with a fishing rod near the water surface. Fishing is a sport, a hobby, a soulful spirit. People who are fond of this type of recreation are distinguished by a special attitude to nature. They can stand for hours at the shore, waiting for a "bite" and contemplating the beauty of the world around them. Not only representatives of the strong half of humanity, but also ladies are fond of fishing.
By tradition, fishermen gather in large companies and go out of town. In nature, they break up into smaller groups and compete in skill. Competitions can be not only team, but also single. The winners receive prizes and gifts.
In addition to amateur competitions, they also organize official competitions for fishermen's brigades. The jury selects the winners in the nominations "largest fish", "smallest fish", "largest catch" and "rarest fish", etc.
In the seaside towns on Fisherman's Day, folk festivals and costume shows are organized on the shore. Concerts dedicated to the work of fishermen are not uncommon. If possible, anglers go out to sea in an organized manner, casting their nets. Amateurs can also be taken on such a "trip". It is only necessary to stipulate in advance the number of participants in order to fit on the ship. Teamwork contributes to incredible cohesion of people, they feel like a real fishing team. In the evening, on the shore, by a large fire and a cauldron of fish soup, the celebration continues.
Fishing is a great way to relax after working days and relax in the bosom of nature. The number of people keen on this sport is growing every year. We can safely say that the tradition of celebrating Rybak's Day will not sink into oblivion.