Posters are made on various topics. They can be timed to coincide with holiday events. The most popular of all are children's birthday greeting posters. You can draw or make a poster for a child of any age. Place there photographs of the child in different years of his life. Or make an unusual poster with a calendar that will count down your baby's age. These posters will certainly create a festive atmosphere in your home.

Step 1
You can buy these birthday posters ready-made from any bookstore. But it will be much more pleasant for your child not only to see a poster made with your own hands especially for him, but also to take an active part in its creation.
Step 2
Download a poster template from the Internet in a pdf file or archive. Unpack it and follow the instructions. The most common poster template consists of 8 A4 sheets.
Step 3
Print 8 pieces of the poster on a printer. It can be black and white or color. If you want to color the poster yourself or leave it to your child's imagination, use black and white instead.
Step 4
Dock the printed parts of the poster. Then glue the sheets together. If you want to achieve integrity, stick them on a Whatman paper. Start coloring using any method: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons.
Step 5
You can order large-format printing at any printing center. You just need to make the template itself. Most often, a program such as Photoshop is used to create. It can make a great poster using photographs, drawings and text. In addition, Photoshop allows you to create your own unique graphic drawings. And many options for fancy brushes save you time on drawing details. The main condition is the excellent quality of the template. Therefore, it can be done only from photos with good quality and high resolution. Moreover, the worse the resolution, the worse the result will look.
Step 6
To be sure of the quality of your poster, use a program such as coreldraw to create your template. Unlike Photoshop, coreldraw does not work in a pixel system, but in a vector system. Due to this, the quality of images during manipulation with them does not decrease. In coreldraw, you can work with templates of any size, including for further printing on canvases in A1 or A0 format. Among other things, you can make sheet layout in coreldraw. This is important when printing. Otherwise, part of the image may simply not fit. But in order to fully use all the functionality of the program, you need to learn to work with it.
Step 7
There is an option to make a thematic poster. A kind of collage from the life of your child. To do this, take a Whatman paper, photographs of your baby from birth to the present. Stick them on a drawing paper, circle them with a beautiful frame and sign. So guests will know about your child's achievements: the first smile, the first tooth, the first step. Add photos of your parents and grandparents. And admire the result!

Step 8
You can come up with an endless variety of ideas for such greeting posters. Make a humorous poster so that there is the main congratulation in the center, and around there are photographs of the child with funny captions. Surely your family album contains funny photos taken in a dream, while swimming or on a walk.

Step 9
An interesting option is the poster "Who do I look like". Place a photo of your baby in the center of the poster and a photo of your baby mum and dad on the sides. Add photos of grandparents. Let the guests guess who the child is more like. It's both exciting and funny.

Step 10
You can create a poster to be your family tree. To do this, you need to take a Whatman paper and draw a branchy tree with a thick trunk. Paste a photo of the baby in the center of the trunk and sign it with either the baby's name or simply “I”. Place pictures of siblings on the sides. Place the photos of the parents a little higher. Higher on each side of the grandfather and grandmother. And so on until there are photographs of relatives. Be sure to sign everything with your names. If you have enough time, you can add not only direct relatives, but also cousins, aunts and uncles to the tree.

Step 11
If you don't know how to draw and use graphic computer programs, you can create a collage from newspaper clippings. You can collect the text of congratulations from bright newspaper headlines. Also include pictures from children's magazines with various cartoon characters. Let them congratulate the child. If such a poster is being prepared for an adult, then you can find in the newspapers photographs of what you want to wish a person. For example, you can cut out a house, a car, money, a sunny coast of a resort, a yacht, and so on. The main thing is that the congratulations are sincere and made from the heart.

Step 12
You can decorate the greeting poster with sweets. Moreover, each bar or candy will mean something different. For example, you can write a wish for the birthday person to have a heavenly delight and attach a Bounty chocolate bar. You may wish to find your soul mate on such a poster and attach a package with two Twix sticks. You can glue candies with alcohol and wish happiness to be intoxicated. You can find chocolate with the wonderful name "Inspiration" and wish a person to be present in life all the time. If you glue the "Kinder Surprise" chocolate egg, then after adding a few pleasant words, you can wish a speedy replenishment in the family. So you can come up with an original congratulation on the poster, which will be interesting to read and then eat deliciously. The main thing is the presence of imagination and inspiration.