For business and worries, working people often do not notice how weeks, months and years fly by. There is practically no time left for leisure and rest - even vacation is often used not for its intended purpose, but to solve the problems accumulated during the year. Free evening is a unique opportunity to devote a few hours to yourself and your loved ones. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

Step 1
Romantic eveningCarefully time the time - it should be enough for a gourmet dinner, a relaxing bath, and an intimate end to the evening. Choose the soundtrack based on your personal tastes. Classics, blues and jazz are considered ideal music for a romantic evening, another good option is compositions from erotic films. Decorate the room with flowers to create an intimate atmosphere. It is better to dim the light with pink or orange lampshades. In this kind of lighting, the skin will look the most beautiful. Prepare some gourmet meals and your favorite wine or champagne. The food should be light enough, but not too light - a man probably needs to eat after a working day. Use natural aphrodisiacs for your meals - avocados, eggs, wild rice, honey, herbs, almonds and seafood. From fruits - coconuts, strawberries, bananas, mangoes and almonds. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add essential oils or foam. Make the bed with fresh linen in warm shades - pink, burgundy or orange, and be sure to ventilate the bedroom. Turn off your phones - you have something to do without them.
Step 2
An evening with your family Spending an evening with your closest people - what could be better? After a delicious dinner and a leisurely conversation, you can take up a common hobby - drawing, karaoke, photography, reading, etc. TV can also diversify your evening, only if you carefully choose a movie or program. Scientific, educational and children's films, musical comedies are perfect for family leisure. Buy board games: checkers, chess, dominoes, bingo, backgammon, Monopoly, etc. With their help, arrange family championships and competitions, and hand out prizes to the winners. From time to time, you can arrange themed entertainment. For example, an evening of writing poetry or scary stories, making dumplings or pies, an evening of memories with a family photo album. This time together is sure to further bond your family and improve relationships.
Step 3
Evening alone A person who has grown up in society practically does not know how to be alone. But to restore emotional and mental balance, loneliness is best suited. Stay alone with your thoughts, feelings, dreams and allow yourself to do nothing. If this kind of leisure does not suit you, read a good book or watch your favorite movie. To enjoy not only the mind, but also the body, prepare a fragrant bath, open a bottle of your favorite wine, cook something delicious for yourself. For a woman, an evening alone is a good time to take care of her appearance. Take a full course of home beauty treatments to look cheerful, vigorous, and prettier the next day.