Carols are an old Christmas custom, lovingly described in the works of Gogol, which has survived to this day in songs and costumes. You gathered for Christmas carols, learned the words, found a company, but … what to wear?

It is necessary
Stroller suit, treat bag
Step 1
Dressing up is a typical Christmastime amusement that accompanies caroling. In Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, on the eve of Christmas or Christmastide, it was customary to walk from house to house, sing special songs (carols) and collect gifts-treats in a large bag. This tradition is described in ethnographic and fiction literature. Today, religious traditions are making a comeback, and if you decide to join the carolers, you should be inspired by films and literature that show this ancient tradition. We recommend that you refer to the works of Nikolai Gogol, listen to recordings of Christmas carols.

Step 2
Choose the suit that suits you best. A popular costume was the costumes of totem animals (goat, bear, deer) and ancestral spirits. If you like the image of a goat, find a sheepskin coat (or sheepskin coat), put it on, turning it inside out, and don't forget the goat mask. Such a "goat" was taken, asking the owners "to give our goat a sieve of oats, on top of a sausage, a sieve of buckwheat for dumplings." The donated food was put into a bag.

Step 3
In order to dress up as a bear, you can take a real bear skin or sew a costume out of faux fur. Don't sew a one-piece suit. A fur cape with a "bear" head is enough.

Step 4
For a filly suit, use a gray or brown fabric. Sew on the head using the eyebuttons and the fringed sofa mane. The body of such a suit is made up of a cover that covers 2-3 people, so this one will be the solution to the problem for the whole company.

Step 5
If you decide that you don't want to dress up as an animal, you can choose another option. A costume of a Ukrainian maiden or a boy is quite suitable. To do this, put on an embroidered shirt in the Ukrainian style, a plaid skirt, a sheepskin coat, make a wreath of colored paper. By dressing like this, you will look quite in the spirit of a national holiday and will feel organic when it comes time to sing carols at unfamiliar doors.