How to celebrate a birthday - the answer to this question is quite complicated, because I want this event to be fun and memorable for everyone - both you and your guests. If the date of your birth falls on summer time, then consider yourself lucky - in the summer you can celebrate your birthday outdoors.

Step 1
This option has many advantages. Firstly, in nature for all your guests, especially if some of them are unfamiliar with each other, it is easier and more free to get to know each other and communicate. Secondly, you will transfer the fun outside of your home or apartment, which will help avoid the possible damage and destruction that sometimes accompany noisy holidays. Thirdly, you do not have to wash the dishes and put things in order the next day. Fourthly, the preparation of hot dishes can be entrusted to the guests themselves, and not to stand at the stove themselves, cursing all birthdays in the world.
Step 2
For such a holiday, choose the Saturday day that coincides with your birthday or the closest one after it. Think about what is better - renting a country house or simply taking guests to a forest clearing or the shore of a reservoir, where folding tables and benches can be placed. If your guests are fond of tourism, then maybe organize an overnight trip, taking tents and sleeping bags. In any case, ask those who have them to bring travel rugs with them - for sure there will be those who want to lie on the grass.
Step 3
Warn all guests, especially those who do not often go out into the countryside as a tourist, about which dress code is best. Everything for your guests should be comfortable and, of course, warm. It can be chilly in the forest in the evening, especially by the river. This is especially true for shoes, it is better to prefer sneakers to sandals.
Step 4
Your main task is to buy the products you need. The obligatory set will include vegetables, herbs, bread and juices. Think about what hot dishes you will be doing outdoors. Usually this is baked meat - kebab, or fish, which can be baked on wire racks or in foil. For those who are especially impatient and hungry, grab some sausages or pork pork that they can fry over the fire while the main course is being prepared. Match wines to fish or meat, depending on the preferences of your guests, choose spirits.
Step 5
Assign each pair of invited guests to prepare quizzes, contests, or games. Tell them that you expect musical numbers from them as a congratulation. Such an impromptu concert and competition will be remembered for a long time by both spectators and participants.
Step 6
Well, that's all. Such a day will allow you to rest and relax no worse than your guests, because they will take part in entertainment, cooking and decorating the table with you.