Recently, the media have often reported a mysterious phenomenon: birds are falling en masse in different parts of the planet. In the American states of Arkansas and Louisiana, in the Swedish city of Falkoping, in England, and in many other parts of the world, these strange events began to occur.

American bird watchers have announced the reason why thousands of blackbirds (from 2 to 5 thousand) fell dead on the small town of Bebe in the state of Arkansas. “Yards, streets, roads were littered with carcasses of birds,” said local residents. According to scientists, the fireworks scared the thrushes. And the massive fall happened just on the New Year. The birds went too low, hiding from bright flashes and noise. As a result, the birds collided with various objects, broke and died. However, according to eyewitnesses, not all birds necessarily encountered something before dying. Many of them just flew like a stone from the sky, which raises doubts about the version of bird watchers. Environmentalists have their own version of this. They argue that birds are indicators that reflect the state of the environment. Their mass death, perhaps, indicates some emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere, and the version with fireworks was made public for general reassurance. Many eyewitnesses of "birdfalls" recall the disaster movie "The Earth's Core" with a similar plot: birds fall from the sky, beating against the walls of houses. The reason for their death in the film was the distortion of the Earth's magnetic field and the change in the speed of rotation of its core. Who knows, perhaps these anomalies of our planet are to blame. Birds are guided by their internal compass, and cannot but react to such changes. Some experts suggest that the death of birds may be caused by tests carried out "electromagnetic weapons" in the secret training grounds in the United States and Australia. By the way, "electromagnetic bombs", which appeared back in 1992, generate such powerful radiation during an explosion, which can disable electronics, temporarily deprive people of consciousness and kill birds right on the fly. But how can we explain the Swedish cases, where such tests are unlikely? Perhaps the deaths of birds could be a byproduct of secret experiments studying weather control. When they are carried out, chemicals are dumped into the atmosphere from the aircraft. A mixture of barium salts, various chemicals and polymer fibers can greatly affect the life of birds. The most exotic hypothesis explains the death of birds by the harmful influence of UFOs. However, this looks too far-fetched: if the birds died because of any objects in the sky, the cause of their death was always a blow, and not an incomprehensible destructive radiation. The most pessimistic prophets and predictors of the fall of birds are interpreted as a sign of the impending apocalypse. But religious scholars do not support these ideas, pointing out that in the biblical "Revelation of John the Theologian" where it is said about the coming end of the world, there is nothing about birds falling from the sky. This can be easily verified by rereading the text.