No holiday goes by without flowers. You spend a lot of money on the purchase, forgetting about the quality of the bouquet, and in the end you find that the flowers wilted very quickly.

Original color
Of course, bright bouquets are always a beautiful and unusual gift, however, some defects and fading petals are hidden behind the external beauty. If you want to collect an unusual bouquet, ask the florist to paint the flowers of your choice.
If you see glitter flowers for sale, take your time to get them. Such decorations hide wilted petals. It is better to choose the flowers yourself and ask the florist to cover them with sparkles.
Big packaging
Bulky packaging and lots of decorations are another way to disguise fading flowers. It is better to buy a small number of flowers without bright packaging. If you want to choose a large bouquet, let the florist collect it with you.
The bud has not blossomed
Pay attention to the leaves. If they do not fit snugly against the bud, then the florists have cut off some of the petals and created the effect of an unblown bud.
Flower basket
Flower baskets are a wonderful gift. However, if you bought a ready-made version, most likely it will be assembled from broken flowers. So, florists can cut one branch into several inflorescences. Pay attention to the appearance of the bouquet. Multiple decorations and bright colors of flowers indicate wilting of plants.
Fake base
If you take flowers as a holiday decoration, then you need to take care of maintaining their shape and freshness. To do this, you need a foundation - an oasis. It will nourish the plants with moisture and maintain the correct stem shape. Florists often try to save money on such material and use ordinary foam or wet sand.
Flowers from collected buds
Sometimes florists can cheat and collect a new flower from fallen petals and put it up for sale as fresh. The unnatural shape, however, quickly gives these flowers away. However, do not confuse this trick with the "glamelia" technique, when a professional makes original flowers of an unusual shape from different parts of plants.
Buy and order flowers in trusted stores. Always inspect flowers before purchasing and ask your florist to assemble a bouquet from your chosen flowers.