Where To Watch The Fireworks On May 9

Where To Watch The Fireworks On May 9
Where To Watch The Fireworks On May 9

The festive fireworks, which take place on May 9, I want to look so that I can see everything, but not experience any inconvenience and then get home without any problems. Usually the fireworks start at 22 o'clock, several volleys are fired simultaneously at different points in the capital. Someone is lucky, and the spectacle is perfectly visible right from the balcony, while others have to choose a place from where they can look at what is happening.

Where to watch the fireworks on May 9
Where to watch the fireworks on May 9

It is best to watch the fireworks closest to your home. It is useful to find out in advance where the volleys will be fired, in Moscow this is a certain number of places in different parts of the city. The location is chosen so that as many people as possible could watch the fireworks. It is also worth choosing the closest point to the house because after the fireworks it is usually difficult to get home using public transport. Most often, volleys are in the following places: Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora. On May 9, for safety reasons, metal detectors will be installed at the park's entrances, so it is better to arrive early in order to enter the territory without haste and choose the most convenient place. The fireworks look great if you look at it from the fountains, the volleys reflected in the water are very beautiful. Several fireworks can be seen from the Sparrow Hills. The square, located on a hill, is a wonderful place from where a good view of the Luzhniki stadium and the city opens. It is here that most often come those whose main goal is to photograph the fireworks. One of the volleys is fired at Tushino. In any place around the airfield, the fireworks that are given in Victory Park and in Mitino are usually clearly visible. Volleys will thunder over Zelenograd, Northern Butovo and Otradnoye. One of the traditional points is the football field of the Institute of Physical Education not far from the Kursk railway station. Usually there are separate fireworks in Izmailovsky Park and Kuzminki. The park area in Nagatino, not far from Andropov Avenue, is also one of the places where the shot will be fired. In the Southwestern District, fireworks are given not far from the intersection of Leninsky Prospect and ul. Miklouho-Maclay, but it is clearly visible from almost any elevated point of the region. In Solntsevo, the best way to watch the fireworks is from the shore of the lake, which is located next to the building of the Council. Remember that fireworks are not fireworks. It is executed as a series of volleys using explosives. The purpose of the fireworks is to achieve as high a height as possible, usually at least 50m. Since several kg of explosives are taken for the charge, the explosion turns out to be quite loud, so you should not try to get as close as possible to the place of the volley.
