Where To Watch The Fireworks On Victory Day

Where To Watch The Fireworks On Victory Day
Where To Watch The Fireworks On Victory Day

Festive fireworks on Victory Day usually begin on May 9 at 22:00. You want to see them completely at close range, without experiencing any inconvenience, and at the same time get home without any problems.

Where to watch the fireworks on Victory Day
Where to watch the fireworks on Victory Day

In the capital, fireworks are held in several places. Some are fortunate enough to be able to watch the spectacle from the comfort of their apartment, right from the balcony. Others will have to look for a place from where they can get a closer look at the fireworks.

The best choice is to go to the fireworks closest to home. Therefore, you should find out in advance where fireworks will be given in Moscow. The location of these places is determined in such a way that as many people as possible could see it.

Most often, fireworks are in the following places in the capital:

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. For security reasons, metal detectors were installed at the park's entrances on May 9, so you should arrive early in order to enter the territory without haste and choose the most suitable place. Fountains are considered to be one of the best places - salute salutes are reflected in the water and look very beautiful.

Several fireworks can be viewed from Vorobyovy Gory at once. The elevated square is a good choice for viewing fireworks in Luzhniki and in the city, as well as the most convenient place for photographing.

Volleys will also be in Tushino. In addition, fireworks in Mitino and Victory Park are clearly visible anywhere on the airfield. Fireworks will be launched in Zelenograd, Northern Butovo and Otradnoye.

Usually fireworks are also in Kuzminki, and in Izmailovsky Park, and in the park area in Nagatino, not far from Andropov Avenue.

The football field of the Institute of Physical Education near the Kursk railway station is also one of the permanent places for fireworks.

In the South-Western District, volleys will be fired not far from the intersection of ul. Miklouho-Maclay and Leninsky prospect. This place is clearly visible from any point of the district.

In Solntsevo, to view the fireworks, it is best to sit on the shore of the lake near the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

It is best to observe the fireworks exactly from the point that the organizers of the festival intended.
