There are days in our life that we want to always remember. One of these days is a wedding celebration that fills hearts with joy and happiness.

Every couple in love sooner or later thinks about going to the registry office. As a rule, young people want not only to register a relationship, but to have a gorgeous day in order to get together many years later and happily remember the past fun.
Nowadays, it is important to hold a wedding with luxurious suits, lush dresses, arrange incendiary dances, exchange rings with pigeons soaring in the sky, delicious dishes and, in the end, when the stars twinkle, let fireworks into the sky.
But, this ceremony will take a lot of nerves from you when looking for a venue for the event, inviting guests, choosing a toastmaster, a photographer and jewelry.
However, not all newlyweds arrange lavish celebrations with a large number of guests. Many refuse this and simply sign and celebrate this day in a narrow circle of relatives.
In order for this day to be remembered for a lifetime, you need to take seriously all the points of its holding, and it is better to contact the agency, where you will be offered options for every taste and budget.
What should newlyweds know about getting married?
It is worth remembering that our great-grandmothers left us a legacy of many signs associated with the wedding. Your right, whether to comply with them or not, is worth knowing about it:
- An unexpected rain on the day of the ceremony promises wealth to the newlyweds;
-The girlfriend who "caught" the bouquet will be the next to marry (although this is a controversial issue);
- Pinned flowers on the belt - difficult childbirth;
- In memory of this day, you cannot leave dried flowers in a vase;
-Wedding crown is a talisman and should not be thrown away;
- If your wedding dress is torn, then there will be a tense relationship with your mother-in-law;
You need to put on a wedding dress from the neckline, and then slip in the sleeves.
-On the wedding day, the bride must have not only everything new, but also the old one; there must also be a blue color;
-The dress is not recommended to be tried on by either sisters or girlfriends - your happiness will be stolen;
-Take parental rings - therefore, repeat their fate;
-When choosing rings, you need to be careful. So that there are no obstacles in the life of the newlyweds, smooth rings are needed;
-On the day of the celebration, you can not wear rings, except for the wedding.
So that the wedding was not in a rush and without quarrels, first make a plan of the event, up to the wedding day. Don't forget the menu! It is very important to choose dishes that will suit your taste and are acceptable in price, and a beautiful cake made to order will delight your guests.