Imagine that you are invited to a wedding, but you do not have time to purchase a gift. It is even possible that you do not know the newlyweds very well and cannot choose such a gift for them that they will be happy with. In this case, the best option would be to present money. But then the question arises as to what amount is better to give for a wedding.

Money as a wedding gift
The amount of the present is a very sensitive issue, since a lot will depend on your financial capabilities, as well as on who exactly is getting married.
In principle, you don't have to go to a wedding at all if little-known people get married, and the invitation was most likely formal.
If you are invited to the wedding of the closest and dearest people, your presence will probably be much more important to them, and not how much you give.
In the second case, you should not worry too much about the amount of money if the wedding is not planned too large. The most important thing is to make a gift from a pure heart and with a kind soul. Newlyweds will definitely appreciate such a present. In addition, do not forget that it is now fashionable to give money, therefore, with such a gift, most likely, several more guests will come. Therefore, even a small amount can turn into a large monetary contribution when all monetary gifts are combined.
Is it worth giving money for a wedding at all?
Until recently, it was not customary to give money gifts. Such presents were considered dubious and could embarrass the heroes of the occasion. However, now the newlyweds are happy when they are given money for the wedding, since they themselves can spend it on what they need most.
If the newlyweds are not conservatively disposed, and the money gift is not a problem for anyone, it remains to resolve the issue with the amount. First, imagine yourself in the place of the newlyweds. They will have to create their own way of life, in which there is nothing yet. The very first thing that the newlyweds will need are small and large household appliances. In principle, you could buy it yourself, but other guests can also make such a gift.
Perhaps the newlyweds will have several donated vacuum cleaners, but not a single washing machine, and vice versa. Therefore, it is better to give the amount that you could spend on this or that gift.
Another option is also possible. If you know the newlyweds well enough, you can find out their approximate wedding expenses. In this case, it will be easy to determine the amount of the gift. But do not forget that additional costs are possible for various monetary contests, for example, for buying out pieces of a wedding cake. Symbolic monetary collections "for diapers" are also not uncommon.
Usually people give about 5 thousand rubles for a wedding. If financial capabilities allow you to spend a larger amount, you can donate 10 or 15 thousand rubles. Rich relatives of newlyweds sometimes give even 50 thousand. Such figures depend only on the thickness of the donor's wallet.