What To Do In The Country

What To Do In The Country
What To Do In The Country

Dacha is a classic place for spending weekends and holidays in our country. Someone is engaged in gardening on the site, and someone simply enjoys nature and silence, having gone away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

What to do in the country
What to do in the country

For those who are engaged in the cultivation of crops, there is always something to do, especially from March to September. At this time, plants are planted, caring for them and harvesting. Even for the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants alone, in order to ennoble the site, a lot of strength and energy is required. When working in the country, do not forget about rest. Otherwise, you will get even more tired by the time you go to work. You can, for example, work in the morning, and in the evening - relax with the whole family over a delicious dinner with fragrant kebabs and long conversations. Or you can leave Sunday for relaxation, during which you can invite friends and have lunch in the open air in the garden. If there is a river or a body of water nearby, go fishing. From the catch, you can prepare a delicious fish soup and eat it in the fresh air. Even without catching anything, you will have a great time enjoying the warm weather, silence, or, on the contrary, a cheerful friendly company. In rainy and damp weather, you will not be able to spend time outdoors. But here there are some positive aspects, for example, the lack of work on the site. You can devote this time entirely to family, friends or your own hobbies. Watch your favorite films for which you constantly did not have enough free time, read an interesting book, or rearrange furniture by inventing something new. Or you can cook delicious food and invite neighbors or friends to share the bad weather with you. A big company is always more fun. Remember your favorite games, contests and play them among yourself. In the process of such entertainment, time at the dacha will pass quickly and imperceptibly. And you will feel rested, full of strength and energy.
