The New Year carries with it a kind of magic, a desire to believe in miracles. All over the world, a huge number of people make their most cherished dreams on New Year's Eve, hoping that they will come true. At the same time, making a wish on this holiday is accompanied by a certain ritual.

Step 1
The easiest and most popular method to make a wish for the New Year is to write it on a piece of paper and, while the clock strikes twelve, burn this paper, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink in one gulp at the twelfth beat of the clock.
Step 2
If this method is not to your liking, try the Italian method. According to Italians, grapes are a symbol of happiness, love, prosperity and health. Therefore, while the clock strikes twelve, make your wish and eat twelve grapes during this time.
Step 3
Take a beautiful small Christmas candle. Set it on fire at twelve o'clock, say to yourself what you would like to have over its flame and put a candle on the festive table. If the candle burns out to the end and does not go out, your desire will certainly come true.
Step 4
To make your desires come true, make them right. Try not to use the "not" particle. In addition, it is better to make a wish in the present tense, and not in the future, as if you already have something, and will not have it someday.
Step 5
Be sincere in making a guess - do not want what your relatives expect from you, but what you want; ask for the realization of not someone else's desires, but your own.
Step 6
And do not forget to thank the Universe (God, Santa Claus) for what you already have. And if any of your desires do not want to be fulfilled every year, you should not focus on them. Perhaps this is simply not what you need, but, dwelling on unfulfilled desires, you do not allow yourself to go further.