It is customary for Russians to celebrate Student's Day on January 25 - Tatiana's day, but the whole world honors students 2 months earlier. World Student Day falls on November 17th.

Holiday as a day of remembrance
The day of November 17 was not chosen by chance for all students. Back in 1946, immediately after the end of the last hostilities of the Second World War, which brought a lot of grief and suffering to humanity and at the same time revealed real heroes worthy of eternal memory and veneration, a student congress was held in Prague. This meeting had a truly global significance, at it, among other things, the events that took place in Czechoslovakia, occupied at the very beginning of the war by Nazi Germany, were sounded, as a result of which Opletailo died.
For six years, the student body in Czechoslovakia ceased to exist as a class, Hitler made sure that all the country's higher institutions were closed and ceased their social and educational activities.
The name of Jan Opletalo, a simple student who instantly became a national hero, is associated with the youth demonstrations that took place at the end of October 1939. The demonstrators decided to worthily mark the anniversary of the founding of their state - Czechoslovakia. The unauthorized action was not only interrupted by the invaders, but also sprinkled with the blood of a medical student Opletalo, whose funeral took place on November 15 and was not without mass riots and numerous protests by indignant students of universities and academies and their teachers. Within days, many students were sent to concentration camps or executed as a result of a brutal attack on rebellious student dormitories.
It is this bold act, which has become a real symbol of courage, determination and defiance of student youth, which became the basis for the approval of the international holiday celebrated annually by all students of the world on November 17.
On the day of Tatiana of Rome, the great Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the creation of Moscow University, and this day became the starting point for the birth of the holiday.
Initially, the decision to honor the names of the students who died as a result of the action was announced in 1941 in the city of London at the first international meeting of students who devoted their lives to the fight against fascism; in the post-war period, the date became official and took on an international scale.
Today, regardless of affiliation with the faculty and the university, students unite in a single impulse that connects them with the spirit of celebration and fun. Specially for this date, performances, KVN competitions and other events are being prepared, designed to emphasize the spirit of the holiday and make you forget about all the problems associated with study at least for a day.
In our country, two dates can be considered the day of all students at once, one of which is of an official international nature, the other is associated with the name of St. Tatiana, the patroness of education, it is celebrated in the middle of the school year and falls on January 25.