Tatyana's Day is one of the few unofficial holidays that are celebrated with great pleasure in our country not only by Tatyana themselves, but also by millions of students. Do you already know how you will spend this day? If not, read carefully, for sure you can find something useful here.

Step 1
Of course, for the sake of such a wonderful holiday, you don't have to go to the institute at all, because on that day no one will study there anyway. But do not be so categorical, a holiday is a holiday in order to spend it with friends and comrades. Therefore, do not neglect going to the university and fully enjoy the congratulations from your classmates, teachers and other students. After all, as you know, nothing unites people like common joy.
Step 2
After class, take a group hike to a café, bowling alley or movie theater. It doesn't really matter where you go, because on this day all doors are open for students. Nightclubs host themed discos with benefits for student ID holders, and many institutes organize wild dances on their own territory for free. If you prefer a more intimate setting, spend the evening with someone else. You can arrange a disco with an overnight stay in the apartment of a lucky person whose parents have left. Or you can rent a country cottage yourself and spend an unforgettable day there with friends.
Step 3
Prepare for the congratulation process itself in advance. Assign each of the guests to do some part of your general leisure time. One buys balls, the second prepares congratulations in verse for everyone, the third provides music. The main thing is that everyone can make a contribution to the general fun. Organize home games to make your time more interesting. Nowadays "twister" is very popular, you can also find there a lot of fun games for a big company on the Internet. In the end, if nothing comes to mind at all, you can get everyone together and have a walk around the city. On Tatyana's day, walking students can be found on every street, so pleasant meetings and new acquaintances are guaranteed to you.