On every last Thursday in November, US airports will have to work in an emergency mode, and the roads turn into one continuous traffic jam. This is explained by the fact that everyone is in a hurry to go home - to taste the turkey in the family circle and express gratitude to the world for all the good things that happened last year.

Americans honor Thanksgiving Day, it is practically the basis of national integrity. A holiday appeared almost when the country itself appeared. The first settlers from England in 1620, having made a trip on the Mayflower ship, landed on the land that later became the state of Massachusetts. But the land was inhospitable, and the winter was so harsh that half of the settlers died in the first year. The Indians came to the aid of the survivors. It was they who gave wise advice on which crops can be grown and which will not yield.
The agricultural activities of the following year bore rich and abundant fruits. In honor of the harvest, a holiday was arranged, which served as gratitude to the higher powers and the Indians. Thus passed the first Thanksgiving Day.
It became a national holiday only during the government of the country by George Washington. But the date was not immediately determined. At first, the holiday was celebrated on November 26, then Lincoln changed the date, and the celebrations took place on the last Thursday of November. Roosevelt also made changes - now it was the penultimate Thursday. The decree did not reach the remote states; Thanksgiving was celebrated in different ways. It was only in 1941 that it was finally decided that the day for the celebrations was the last Thursday in November.
On this day, the whole family devours turkey in cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pies, nuts, yams and corn. Thanksgiving is obligatory.
Traditionally, there are 2 days off for the celebration. A great opportunity to start preparing for Christmas by buying gifts. In New York, there is a parade in honor of the holiday. Also obligatory is the turkey pardon that Harry Truman invented. On the lawn in front of the White House, a ceremony takes place during which the president announces pardon for a bird that goes to the zoo to live out its days. All this happens under the gun of cameras and camera lenses.