"A picnic, as the dictionaries interpret, is an out-of-town pleasure trip with a company." “Usually with a snack outdoors,” says Efremova. The same Efremova interprets the walk as “1. Stay outdoors for relaxation, entertainment. 2. An easy, enjoyable, uncomplicated journey."

So, a picnic is a pleasant pastime without overcoming difficulties. Therefore, kayaks, alpenstocks, alpine skis, waders and helmets are not taken into account when preparing for a picnic. No calluses on hands or feet the day after the weekend. Note that the next day is a working day.
Many outdoor enthusiasts like to work harder on the weekends physically, relieve the stress accumulated during the week, crush physical inactivity and thus "get high", as they say. Well, to whom what. Just don't call it a picnic.
People of different physical abilities, of different ages gather for a picnic - options with children are possible. Therefore, by definition, nothing extreme should be happening here. Remember the classic picnic in the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears".
A picnic is light, quiet music that does not interfere with intimate conversations, barbecue, a little alcohol, whoever can. And, of course, a bonfire is a mandatory attribute outside the city. And in the evening by this fire - bard songs with a guitar.
It is good if there is a place for a picnic by the sea, river, lake or other body of water. Also wonderful in a forest clearing. However, unlike a tourist trip, at a picnic everything should be carefully prepared so as not to take away the time and energy from the participants for the improvement of the "glade". Therefore, the place for a picnic may well be a dacha, a country house or a hut specially built for these purposes somewhere in a forest thicket, or on a wild beach remote from civilization.
Make sure that there is no sudden problem with brushwood for the fire, or a situation arises when you would have to take water and drink from unverified sources. And if it suddenly started raining or it got colder, it would not have taken you by surprise.
In a word - no extreme! The picnic should be remembered as a pleasant event in a series of monotonous everyday life and wonderful impressions from communicating with old-new friends.