Our planet is rich in water. More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by the waters of the World Ocean. However, people began to fully understand what kind of treasure it is quite recently, only at the very end of the twentieth century. And then an amazing holiday appeared - World Oceans Day.

For the first time, the idea of holding a World Ocean Day was publicly announced at an international summit in the capital of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, in 1992. And since 1993, the holiday has been unofficially celebrated in many states, especially by those people who have any, even the most distant, relation to the oceans. Celebrated by oceanologists, ichthyologists, workers of zoos and dolphinariums, environmental specialists dealing with the problems of the seas, and many others.
In 2008, the General Assembly of the United Nations decided that, starting in 2009, World Oceans Day will become an international holiday and will be officially celebrated. The recognized slogan of the new holiday was the statement: "Our oceans, our responsibility."
Today, the main task of the annual World Oceans Day is once again to remind mankind of the need to take care of the flora and fauna of the oceans, to protect nature from the excessive burden of human activity. This care for water resources is designed to stop the extinction of many species of marine plants and animals, and prevent industrial waste from contaminating waters.
Today, World Oceans Day is celebrated annually on June 8 in many countries. In connection with this date, various international forums and conferences, scientific symposia devoted to environmental problems and the conservation of water resources are held. The official holiday allows coordinating the efforts of specialists from various parts of the world, while attracting the attention of the general public to environmental problems.