Unification In Moscow In 2019: Schedule

Unification In Moscow In 2019: Schedule
Unification In Moscow In 2019: Schedule

Unction or Blessing of Oil is one of the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church. At this sacred service, the servants of the Temple and believers pray for deliverance from physical and mental ailments. Thanks to this, a person receives God's grace, forgiveness of sins and help in healing.

Unification in Moscow in 2019: schedule
Unification in Moscow in 2019: schedule

What is Unction

The name of this sacrament comes from the performance of it together (by the council) - that is, not by one, but by several priests. According to the Orthodox tradition, seven clergymen should take part in the sacrament of Unction. However, it is not always possible to invite such a number of priests to the service. If the Unction is performed by one priest, the sacrament is also considered valid.

In church books, this ritual is most often called the Blessing of Oil. This name comes from the Greek word "oil" and means mercy. In fact, oil is a vegetable oil (in the sacrament, olive oil is mainly used), which has been considered one of the religious symbols since ancient times. It was eaten, used as a medicine and cosmetics, used for lamps and lamps. With the help of oil, they were anointed for the ministry of kings and priests. An abundance of oil was considered a sign of divine blessing.

The essence of Unction is the healing of the soul and body, as well as deliverance from sins, and even from those that a person does not remember. During the service, clergymen read excerpts from the Gospel, apostolic epistles and prayers for the remission of sins and the healing of the sick. Then a prayer is pronounced for the consecration of the oil and the anointing with oil is performed in a cross-like manner on the hands, face and chest of all those praying.


Who Can Take the Unction?

As a rule, the sacrament of Unction takes place at home at the bedside of a seriously ill person. The clergyman comes to sick people according to his needs at any agreed time.

There is a misconception about the meaning of the sacrament of Unction, which is expressed in the fact that it is necessary only for a dying person in order to forgive sins.

Any baptized Christian who wishes can take unction. The exception is children under 7 years of age, they, as a rule, are not collected. Before the sacrament, one should confess, and after the celebration of the Unction, one should receive the Holy Communion.


When is the sacrament of Unction?

The Sacrament of Unction in most Moscow churches is performed on the days of Great or Christmas fast. Many believing Christians are trying to cope with the Great Forty Day (before the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ).

In some churches, Unction is held more often or by prior arrangement.

How to properly prepare for Unction and what to bring with you to the temple?

You should come to the church and sign up for unction in advance, about an hour before the start of the service.

You should bring with you vegetable oil in a jar or bottle, some cereal (optional), a handkerchief or napkin to wipe off excess oil. The container with oil is opened and placed on a specially designated table.

At the end of the sacrament, the priest adds consecrated oil to each dish with oil. After the Unction, they take the oil home with them and use it for food, as well as lubricate the sore spots on the body with it.

Wear clothing that does not cover your neck and chest, and remove jewelry. Before starting the sacrament, you need to buy a large candle, it is held in your hand during the Unction.


Schedule of the Unction in Moscow for 2019

During the period of Great Lent, the rite takes place in churches and is performed according to an individual schedule.

In small churches, they usually gather 2-4 times during fasting, in larger churches - every week. Unction is most often performed at 11 or 12 o'clock in the morning, or in the evening at 17 or 18 o'clock. The day and time in each parish is determined depending on the schedule of services, the number and employment of the ministers of the temple. These days, believing Christians come to church not only for the healing of physical ailments, but also for the healing of mental illnesses: sorrow, despondency, despair, sinful passions.

Yelokhovsky Cathedral, address: Spartakovskaya street, house 15

March 19, 26, Tuesday, after the morning service.

Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, address: Maroseyka, building 5

March 19, Tuesday - 10-00.

Temple in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow", address: Bolshaya Ordynka Street, 20

March 19, Tuesday, at 18-00; March 28, Thursday, at 12-00.

Intercession Monastery (which houses the relics of St. Matrona), address: st. Taganskaya, house 58

Date and time: at the Resurrection Church on March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 at 12 noon (entry from 10 a.m.).

Church of st. John the Warrior, address: st. B. Yakimanka, building 46, building 1

March 16, Tuesday, 17-30.

The temple complex of St. Sergius of Radonezh on Ryazanka, address: st. Okskaya, house 17

: March 19, Tuesday - 18-00; March 28, Thursday - 9-00.

Temple of Dmitry Donskoy, address: intersection of st. Academician Glushko and boulevard Dm. Donskoy

March 21, 28, Thursday - 8-00.

Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul, address: Novoyasenevsky prospect, house 42

March 19, Tuesday at 12-00; March 23, Saturday at 10-00; March 26, Tuesday at 12-00; March 30, Saturday at 10-00.

Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, address: st. Bogdanov, house 21

: March 23, Saturday, at 14-00; March 27, Wednesday, at 18-00; March 30, Saturday at 14-00.

Temple of the blessings of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in Moscow, address: st. 3rd Microdistrict

: March 23, Friday, at 18-00; March 27, Wednesday, at 14-00.

Trinity Church

March 23, 30, Saturday - 12-00.

Temple of the Prophet Elijah, address: st. Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya house 17. Preobrazhenskaya Square

March 23, 30, Saturday, at 13-00; 6, 13 April, Saturday, at 13-00.

Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy", address: street. Sheremetyevskaya, house 33

March 21, Thursday, at 17-00 after the evening service; March 30, Saturday, at 14-00.

Transfiguration Church, address: Akademik Chelomey Street, 3b

March 24, Sunday - 17-00; April 23, Tuesday - 18-00.

Church of St. John of Kronstadt, address: Kronstadt Boulevard, 24, building 1

March 23, 30, Saturday - 15.30.

Church of St. Trinity, address: Shvernik street, house. 17, building 1

March 19, Tuesday - 11-00; March 24, Sunday - 17-30; March 31, Sunday - 17-30; April 4, Thursday - 11-00.

Temple of Prince Vladimir at the cadet corps named after Sholokhov, address: Marshal Chuikov, building 30, building 3

March 24, Sunday - 17-00; March 27, Wednesday - 19-00; April 3, Wednesday - 19-00; April 7, Sunday - 17-00; April 16, Tuesday - 19-00; April 18, Thursday –19-00.

Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region

Chernigov Gethsemane skete, address: st. Gethsemane ponds, 1.

Unction every day, at 12 noon (except Sunday), recording at the latest - half an hour before the start.
