The Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker is a professional holiday for all motorists and employees of urban public transport. When did this holiday appear and on what day is it celebrated?

history of the holiday
For the first time, the Day of Road Transport Workers appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. It was celebrated annually every last Sunday in October until 1996, when the holiday of road transport workers was combined with the day of road workers. Thus, on the last Sunday of October, the “Day of workers of road transport and road facilities” was celebrated annually.
In 2000, the holiday was again separated, moving the Day of road workers to the third Sunday in October.
Since 2012, the holiday, celebrated on the last Sunday in October, has been divided between motorists and public transport workers. Since then, the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker appeared, which is a professional holiday of all city transport drivers, heads of passenger and transport enterprises, engineering and technical workers and employees, as well as teachers of transport educational institutions and scientists of the relevant industry.
Russian public transport
A special role is assigned to the road transport communication on the territory of Russia, since it connects the country along the main routes and provides transport accessibility to the most remote regions. The daily transport mobility of 2/3 of the Russian population is provided with the help of such urban public transport as trolley buses, buses, subways, trams, high-speed trams, electric trains, monorails, and so on.
All public passenger transport is an essential element of a system that allows a huge number of people to function every day.
In the fall of 2011, according to a representative of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Russian road transport reached a 60% indicator of passenger traffic in the country and a 55% indicator of freight traffic. This sector employs more than 3 million people and 39 million vehicles from Russian state parks - 33 million cars, 900 thousand buses and 3.5 million trucks. In cities, passengers travel using seven subways (6.3 thousand cars) and more than 20 thousand trams. This allows public transport to provide approximately 85% of household and work travel of the population in suburban and urban traffic.