Everyone wants to relax and unwind after hard work. In addition to official weekends and holidays, residents of Russia have an excellent opportunity to relax during the week. Official public holidays are days when Russians can afford to escape from their routine. What public holidays await Russia in 2019?

Despite the fact that the number of public holidays does not coincide with official public holidays, in any case, residents of Russia can always have a great time. Usually, performances, fairs, competitions and other bright events take place in the central square of the city.
When Saturday or Sunday coincides with a public holiday, it means that the day off will be postponed to the next business day that follows the holiday. The government of the Russian Federation can postpone any holiday in order to use weekends rationally. If the holiday, for example, fell on Tuesday, Monday can be made non-working. Most of the offices and official institutions are closed on these days, but shopping and entertainment centers work as usual, many even longer, according to a special schedule for these days.
List of public holidays 2019
In the memory of the inhabitants of the country, the list of public holidays has become quite ingrained. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the different number of days off and the specific dates of the days off, since they are often shifted. For example, New Year's holidays, Victory Day, Spring and Labor Day often differ in the number of days of rest. On March 8, residents can rest for two or three days, depending on the day on which the holiday itself fell. There are 247 business days in 2019, as well as 118 public holidays and weekends.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have confirmed that Russia is one of the most working nations in the world and ranks sixth in the official ranking. As a rule, the working week is 40 hours, with a total of 1980 hours per year. In the first place is Mexico, where the working hours per year - 2250. The inhabitants of Germany work the least - 1370 hours per year. The US is in the middle: 1,790 hours a year. In China, residents officially have 2 weeks of vacation a year; there are no vacations in the country.
The brightest public holidays
Depending on the region and city, the way the holiday is held will also differ. Usually in large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan) public holidays are celebrated vividly: they can even be broadcast on local television.
The brightest holidays include: New Year, Russia Day, Victory Day. In the city, residents can find entertainment to their liking, and at the end of the day enjoy watching fireworks in the company of family and friends.
Day of Russia is one of the most important public holidays. Until 2002, it was called differently: the Day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. The holiday is rightfully considered the youngest, since it has been celebrated only since 1990 (the day of the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR). At that moment, the Declaration was adopted and the supremacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws was proclaimed, and the country also received a new name - the Russian Federation. The holiday received its current name on February 1, 2002 with the entry into force of the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
In Moscow, the celebration is especially vivid. Museum-reserves "Tsaritsyno" and "Kolomenskoye" actively host many events and performances of local creative teams. The streets of the city are already pre-decorated with flags and Russian symbols. The President of the Russian Federation presents State awards and prizes, and also delivers a speech to the people. In the evening, Red Square congratulates the inhabitants of the country with a powerful fireworks.
The holiday of May 9 cannot be ignored. Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays in Russia and the CIS countries. The main traditions of this holiday in recent years have become:
- Distribution of St. George ribbons as a symbol of the connection between generations and the memory of the Great Victory;
- Schoolchildren and students visit the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. People everywhere lay flowers and wreaths at monuments;
- You can visit a variety of concerts and events dedicated to this day. Preparation usually starts 3 months in advance;
- Theater groups, students, volunteers organize many military-themed events;
- Members of the Immortal Regiment movement in every city of Russia are marching in a column with photographs of their relatives who were affected by the Great Patriotic War.

Holidays of the regions of the Russian Federation
Typically, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently choose some holidays. For example, in regions where Muslims live to a greater extent, holidays are celebrated: Kurban-Bayram and Uraza-Bayram. The peoples of Yakutia are resting in "Ysyakh" - a pagan holiday in honor of the first day of summer and the rebirth of nature. The date is always different: June 10-25. In Buryatia and Kalmykia, residents celebrate "Tsagan Sar" or Buddhist celebration, which means the onset of the new year and the official beginning of spring. Therefore, the holiday takes place at the beginning of March.
New Year Holidays
The longest and most anticipated holidays fall on the New Year: for 7-8 days, residents of the country can relax, attend city events, and arrange mini-vacations for themselves. In China, for example, the New Year lasts a week, but in the spring, and is part of the vacation. Since the employees do not have official leave.

January 1-5 - New Year's holidays
Previously, people celebrated the New Year on September 1. But Peter 1, in view of the inconvenience in relations with Europe, issued a decree that the people would celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-Man. Date - September 1 has officially become history.
Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, families decorate a Christmas tree, exchange gifts, go out into the countryside to recharge with pleasant emotions. The New Year's address by the head of state a few minutes before the New Year is a traditional event watched by almost all residents of the country.
January 7 - Nativity of Christ
One of the most important Orthodox holidays in Russia. The day is dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. Believers especially respect the traditions of this day. At night, in churches, services are held, people take places in churches in advance.
In addition to official public holidays, professional holidays are also celebrated in Russia: Day of the Medical Worker (Third Sunday in June), Day of the Traffic Policeman (July 3), Athlete's Day (second Saturday in August), Builder's Day (second Sunday in August) and others. Holidays are initially set for a specific day of the month, usually a day off.