Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
During the traditional procession, the clergy bless the water in the reservoirs, and the believers get the opportunity to wash their bodies with “holy” water. Is it possible for everyone to plunge into the ice hole for Epiphany and how to prepare for the “diving” in order to heal and strengthen the spirit, and not get injured or hypothermic?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Halloween, which many associate with modern American culture, is actually one of the oldest holidays in the world. Its direct creators were the Celts, but the peoples of many countries contributed to the formation of festive traditions and customs
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The Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker is a professional holiday for all motorists and employees of urban public transport. When did this holiday appear and on what day is it celebrated? history of the holiday For the first time, the Day of Road Transport Workers appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976
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On January 25, in the midst of winter, Tatiana's day is celebrated. Historically, since 1775, it has simultaneously become a holiday for Russian students. Both now and a hundred years ago, students from different educational institutions spend this holiday noisily and cheerfully, bringing the spirit of youth, fun and enthusiasm out of cramped auditoriums to the city streets
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The old Slavic holiday, the Closing of Svarga, or Vyri, falls on September 14th. By this time, the crops are already being harvested from the fields, and while winter has not yet come into its own, the time of the holiday comes. Vyri is the ancient name of Paradise among the Eastern Slavs
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Canada Day is a national Canadian holiday celebrated annually on July 1 to commemorate the signing of the British North America Act in 1867. The act united Canada into a single country and laid the foundation for its statehood. Canada Day is a summer holiday, so massive celebrations are usually held outdoors:
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Despite the fact that every year there are fewer veterans and eyewitnesses of the war, Victory Day continues to be an important holiday. Spend May 9 with your family, imbued with the atmosphere of the distant 1945. Instructions Step 1 Congratulate all household members on the Victory Day
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On May 8, 1945, the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted, in which May 9 was declared a day of national celebration - the Victory Day. It was read the next morning. There was no parade on that first Victory Day. Instructions Step 1 The first Victory Parade was held in Moscow on June 24, 1945
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One of the oldest Russian holidays, rooted in ancient times, is the day of Ivan Kupala (Midsummer's Day). This beautiful ceremonial holiday has its own history and traditions. Instructions Step 1 The celebration of Ivan Kupala traditionally falls on July 7 (June 24, old style), or rather, on the night of July 6-7
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Mother's Day is perhaps one of the brightest holidays of the year. It has recently begun to be celebrated in Russia, so not every person knows which day it is worth being especially attentive to the woman who gave life. When is Mother's Day officially celebrated in Russia?
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It's a shame to become a victim of other people's jokes on April 1, without inventing any of your own. In order for the rally to be a success, to become not offensive, but funny, you need to carefully consider its script. Instructions Step 1 Avoid dangerous, destructive jokes, as hardly anyone will like a formatted hard drive, a broken door, or gum on a chair
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Victory Day began to be celebrated on a large scale only in the mid-60s of the 20th century, after this day was made an official day off. And for ordinary people, this date was initially mournful, because not a single city was spared by the war, in each of them they remembered the dead and saw the wounded front-line soldiers
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For several years in a row, a traditional beer festival has been organized in Prague, during which the products of the best breweries in the Czech Republic are offered to the guests. It is not surprising that such a gastronomic event attracts the attention of several thousand people every time
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A wedding is a very responsible act in the life of any person. But if you have already decided on it, then you need to find out some details of this difficult rite so as not to disrupt the course of the ritual. Instructions Step 1 A wedding, as well as registration at the registry office, is possible in Russia from the age of 18
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If you want to rejuvenate your soul, body, get rid of sins, and at the same time attract money to your house - then you have a chance. Night at Ivan Kupala will help you with this. Instructions Step 1 On this shortest night of the year, trees, grasses, fire and water are all magical
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Usually concerts and matinees at school are arranged by the organizer of extracurricular activities. But Teachers' Day can be organized by both parents and the children themselves. This can be a wonderful common cause, so, among other things, such a holiday also has great educational value
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It is a pity, but many beautiful folk traditions have faded into oblivion. Summer entertainment is especially lacking, when nature itself is like a holiday. In some Russian villages, there are still traditions of curling a birch tree, jumping over a fire, and throwing wreaths along the river
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Enkutatash is the Ethiopian New Year. Only the inhabitants of this country celebrate it not in winter, but in autumn, on September 11. The prolonged rains just stop, the harvest time comes. But it's not just the seasons. There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the holiday
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World Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21st. At this time, the UN is trying to draw people's attention to military conflicts and how badly they affect human life. One of the main tasks on this day is a complete cessation of hostilities, at least for one day, a day of peace
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Shrovetide is a pagan and distinctive holiday. Some traditions of its celebration have survived to this day. So, with the beginning of Maslenitsa week, pancakes begin to bake in almost every house. Previously, only wheat flour and water were added to the dough
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The day of the angel and the name day have always been celebrated in Russia, but in Soviet times this tradition was forgotten, and today many perceive it as almost a newfangled trend. Meanwhile, the calendar is replete with names, the carriers of which celebrate the name day on one day or another
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Halloween is a modern holiday celebrated on October 31, the day before All Saints Day. The word "halloween" was first mentioned in the 16th century. And the holiday itself came from the ancient Celts. On this day, they saw off the light and warm season, after which came the time of cold and darkness
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Why is the official "Day of Russian Students" often referred to as "Tatiana's Day"? How did this name appear and what is the connection between the students and Tatiana? To find out it is necessary to move from the time of today to the end of the II century AD
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Who said that the museum is boring ?! Contemporary museums in Russia are ready to offer visitors a variety of expositions, unusual inserts, exciting journeys into the world of the past. Instructions Step 1 In Moscow, visit the Museum of Private Collections at 10 Volkhonka Street
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Once the Spaniards decided for themselves: life is a holiday. And they made this argument a style of existence. Since then, wherever you go in Spain - to big cities or small villages - you will find yourself everywhere to a celebration or a festival
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Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War on May 9 is celebrated all over Russia. Special honors on this day are given to war veterans. The number of people holding this honorary title is decreasing from year to year. And they are very pleased to receive congratulations from the representatives of the younger generations
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Day of forest workers is one of the professional holidays that were established in the days of the USSR. On September 18, 1977, the Forest Legislation was adopted, and in 1980, Forest Workers' Day became an official holiday. Since then, it has been celebrated annually on the third Sunday in September
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The American holiday of Halloween, which dates back to Celtic beliefs, has become popular all over the world today. But each nation celebrates All Saints Day in its own way: for example, Armenians prefer to use pumpkin not for making lanterns, but for making fragrant ghapama
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Independence Day is the main public holiday in the United States, during which Americans celebrate the creation of their country. This is a day of fun and joy, patriotic mood and joint picnics. With the onset of summer, Americans begin to plan for one of the most famous holidays in the United States - Independence Day, which is traditionally celebrated on July 4
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Shrovetide is one of the most beloved and brightest holidays in Russia, because it is with it that the farewell of the cold winter and the meeting of the long-awaited spring are associated. For a whole week, called Shrovetide, people have fun, treat each other with delicious pancakes and rejoice at the approach of warm days
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They can be considered stupid, always chatting about rags, men and jewelry. Jokes are made up about them. They are worshiped for their beauty. They also dedicate songs, poems, and even a certain day on the calendar. The first blonde is considered to be the mythical goddess of love Aphrodite
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Baltic Unity Day is an international holiday celebrated annually on 22 September. The event is of great importance to Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians and includes many interesting events. The Day of Unity of the Baltic States has its own history, rooted in the deep past
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Every year in early August, the German city of Frankfurt am Main gathers thousands of people on the banks of the river signs. At this time, the Main River Festival is held there - a colorful and interesting event that lasts several days. The River Main Festival, or as the Germans call it, Mainfest has an ancient tradition
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Every year on the eve of Victory Day, on May 8, a solemn torchlight procession takes place in Kerch, in which all generations take part. It is necessary Instructions Step 1 On May 8, residents of Kerch and guests of the city go out to the central streets of Kerch to take part in the "
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On April 27, 2011, the UN General Assembly decided to hold a holiday in honor of friendship. This day was set for July 30th. The purpose of this holiday is to attract people to social activities, as well as respectful perception of the cultures of different countries of the world
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The annual American Flag Day was invented in 1885. It was then that the school teacher Sigrand organized it for his students. Subsequently, this innovative educator in many articles for the media and personal letters promoted the celebration of June 14 as the birthday of the flag (Flag Day)
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Peru is one of the Latin American states located on the Pacific Northwest coast of South America. It was on its territory that the capital of one of the most powerful states of the native Indians, the Inca Empire, was located. The annual Indian Day in Peru is an attempt to preserve the cultural traditions that have remained from those times
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April 1 is celebrated in many countries and everywhere this day is associated with laughter, jokes and practical jokes. There are also enough versions that explain the origin of the holiday. Which of them is true, now it is hardly possible to find out
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In the nineteenth century, a new religion appeared - the Bahá'í faith, which is preached by more than five million people in 188 countries. The Bahá'í faith has a special unique calendar - each month has 19 days, the total number of months is 19
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The first Oktoberfest is considered to be a merry city revel, which was organized by the Munich people in honor of the marriage of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig in 1810. Everyone really liked the intoxicating holiday and the locals began to arrange a similar event every year