On January 25, in the midst of winter, Tatiana's day is celebrated. Historically, since 1775, it has simultaneously become a holiday for Russian students. Both now and a hundred years ago, students from different educational institutions spend this holiday noisily and cheerfully, bringing the spirit of youth, fun and enthusiasm out of cramped auditoriums to the city streets.

Step 1
Celebrate Tatiana's day with a fun amateur performance, in other words, a skit. To get started, write yourself or find a ready-made script on an interesting, relevant topic. Pick actors for the roles. Prepare sets and costumes.
Step 2
The larger the audience to which the action will be addressed, the more thorough the preparation should be. Rehearse all the scenes well. Try not to experiment with improvisation, without professional skills it can look like a bad acting.
Step 3
Send out written holiday invitations to your teachers and friends. Festively decorate the room in which the performance will take place. Hang posters, wall newspapers, photographs, and more on the walls.
Step 4
If you are preparing a skit for a small friendly company in a cozy home environment, thorough rehearsals are not at all necessary. On the contrary, here it will be more interesting to distribute the roles randomly. For example, using tickets or forfeits.
Step 5
Print the heroes' words on cheat sheets in large, well-readable font. Replace costumes with characteristic details: a crown is enough for a king, ears for a hare, etc. However, in this case, you will need at least one person who knows the entire scenario and guides the process.
Step 6
To top off the evening, go to your favorite cafe for a meal, go to a movie premiere or to a disco. Do not forget to invite at least one Tatiana with you. With this you will not only please her, but, most likely, get a good discount at the chosen institution.