Children aged 3 years are quite active and get to know the world around with interest. Based on this, you can organize for them various contests for a matinee in kindergarten or hanging out at a party.

Step 1
Organize creative contests for children. One of them is "Dorisuy". Prepare drawing sheets and colored pencils or markers. On all sheets, draw in advance the beginning of the future drawing, for example, a simple geometric figure, a tree trunk or a flower stalk. Tell the children to finish the drawing. Kids should show their imagination and complete the drawing by drawing a sun, a flower, a typewriter, a little man or something else. The winner is the one who does it the fastest and raises his hand.
Step 2
Give the children sheets of paper with an unadorned Christmas tree on it and ask them to draw them themselves. The winner in this New Year's competition will be won by the participant whose Christmas tree is the most beautiful and neat.
Step 3
Conduct a mobile competition “Right on target”. Build a target, for example by placing a toy soldier on a table or chair. Put the children in a row. Each of them in turn must take a rubber ball in his hand and try to hit their target. The winner is the one who does it the most times. At the same time, make sure that the target is not too far from the participants, and the ball is large enough.
Step 4
Organize contests for attention. The first of them is “Ear - nose”. The participants stand around the presenter, and he, in turn, must explain to them what he will name different parts of the body, and the children must show them on themselves. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the competition. As a result, one or more of the most attentive and quick-witted children win.
Step 5
Another similar game is called "Sun - Rain". Participants also stand around the presenter, who says the word "sun" or "rain". At the first word, children should raise their hands with outstretched fingers, and at the second, lower their hands and shake them. In this case, the presenter himself may confuse the participants, showing the wrong movement. And again the most attentive child wins the competition.
Step 6
Favorite game for many children - "The sea is worried." Children stand in a chaotic order in the room, and the leader is in front of them, saying the words: "The sea worries once … The sea worries two … The sea worries three … The sea figure freezes in place!" Before the word "three" is pronounced, children should be constantly in motion, such as jumping or waving their arms. On the word "freeze" they should freeze motionless in some position. The presenter waits for a while and says “Otomri!”, After which the children can start moving again. If one of them moves earlier than necessary, then they are eliminated from the game.