Children's Day is a worldwide holiday approved by the United Nations to protect the interests of children. It is noteworthy that this holiday has nothing to do with Children's Day, which is widely celebrated in Russia.

World child's day
World Children's Day is a well-known holiday in the world, the history of which is more than 50 years old. It all started with the fact that in 1954 the United Nations at its regular meeting, which that time was devoted to the protection of the rights and interests of children, adopted Resolution No. 836 (IX). In it, among other issues, an initiative was formulated to establish a World Children's Day, which was proposed to be celebrated in all countries since 1956.
Many states eagerly joined the UN initiative, especially since the organization did not establish strict rules and procedures for celebrating this day, leaving the countries to decide independently how and when to do this. Nevertheless, a few years later, a specific date was designated as the recommended date - November 20. This proposal was due to the fact that November 20 became a rather important date in the field of protecting the rights and interests of children, since on this day in 1959 the most important international document in this area was adopted - the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Thirty years later, in 1989, the adoption of another important document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, was already specially timed to coincide with this date.
The generally accepted name of the new holiday has become the English-language designation "Universal Children's Day". Nevertheless, in every country where this holiday is celebrated, there is its accepted name in the national language, which, as a rule, literally means "World Children's Day".
World Children's Day in Russia
In Russia, as in many countries of the world, this day is a significant occasion to draw the attention of the public and the state to the problems of childhood. So, on this day, a large number of educational and educational events are held, which are organized by specialists in working with children for their less experienced colleagues and simply interested citizens. In addition, much attention on this day is paid to the organization of charitable events to improve the quality of life of children who find themselves in unfavorable conditions, for example, who have lost their parents, who have ended up in orphanages and orphanages and others.
Nevertheless, World Children's Day in Russia as a memorable date is better known among specialists working with children - teachers, social workers and others. And for ordinary citizens, including the children themselves, another holiday is still more famous and beloved - Children's Day, which is traditionally celebrated on June 1.