How To Give Gifts At A Holiday

How To Give Gifts At A Holiday
How To Give Gifts At A Holiday

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Any holiday is doubly pleasant if gifts are received on it. Therefore, when organizing the anniversary of the company, carefully consider how to carry out the presentation of gifts to employees.

How to givets at a holiday
How to givets at a holiday


Step 1

First, decide what gifts you are going to give. Usually, firms begin to prepare for the anniversary in advance. To do this, they order various books, certificates, diaries, glass or porcelain souvenirs with company logos.

Step 2

Calculate the number of gifts and plan the amount you are going to spend. Based on this, pick up gifts.

Step 3

The presentation of gifts by department will look interesting. You, as a leader, walk with your assistants through all the offices and present the souvenirs prepared in advance. For this option, a general gift for the department is more suitable. For example, give a microwave oven to the accounting department, a coffee maker to economists, and an air conditioner to computer specialists. Beforehand, of course, find out what your colleagues need. Accompany the presentation of gifts with warm and sincere wishes, be sure to add a little humor to your speech. So you will create a democratic and trusting atmosphere in the team.

Step 4

The staff will love receiving personalized gifts. Here you can prepare standard sets: a box of chocolates, champagne, a diary. If the staff is not very large, then consider individual souvenirs. It is better to give such gifts at the very beginning of the celebration. Then the employees' spirits will immediately rise, a more friendly atmosphere of the evening will develop.

Step 5

The anniversary of the company is a holiday that unites the employees of this organization. To foster a corporate spirit, you can instruct activists to hand out minor souvenirs with your company's logos at the entrance in the morning: small table calendars, pens or flags, as well as postcards with an invitation to the anniversary. And already during the celebration to celebrate the most honored figures. Don't forget the younger generation too. To everyone who has recently joined the company, donate albums with photos and the history of the company. Say that you hope they will contribute to the continued prosperity of the organization.

Step 6

It's good if you order a special script for the anniversary. Be sure to find a place in it for warm words to your employees and time for presenting gifts. You should not get by with a dry solemn speech in the assembly hall. Moreover, one cannot simply announce at a meeting that all employees must come to such and such an office, sign and collect their gifts.
