Every year on the eve of Victory Day, on May 8, a solemn torchlight procession takes place in Kerch, in which all generations take part.

It is necessary
Step 1
On May 8, residents of Kerch and guests of the city go out to the central streets of Kerch to take part in the "fiery" procession and remember that Victory in the Great Patriotic War is Victory for everyone! Many guests, representatives of different nationalities, come to Kerch to celebrate Victory Day, because at that terrible time their fathers and grandfathers together defended one common homeland. Victory was paid at a high price, more than 20 million lives were claimed. People walk with lighted torches from the city center to the foot of Mount Mithridates, climb the Mithridates stairs, consisting of 437 steps to the Obelisk of Glory. Schoolchildren, students, workers, employees - people of different generations take part in the torchlight procession.
For the first time, a torchlight procession to Mount Mithridates was organized in honor of Victory Day in 1973, when Kerch was awarded the title of a hero city. According to the legends of local residents, the tradition appeared after one of the major battles in Kerch. Then many people died, and at night the inhabitants of the city saw a light on the top of the mountain. It turned out that it was a mother who was looking for her son with a torch at night. Then another light appeared - it was already the wife who was looking for her husband. Etc…

Step 2
On Mount Mithridates to the Obelisk of Glory, erected in October 1944 in honor of the liberation of Kerch from the Nazi invaders, the procession participants lay a mourning garland. The obelisk is the very first monument in the USSR, erected in honor of the liberation of the city. Then there is a theatrical performance telling about the events of the Second World War. The thoroughly reconstructed scenes of battles under the night sky of Kerch seem to be very realistic.

Step 3
The torch parade annually on May 8, the day of the declaration of Germany's surrender, takes place in two cities around the world - in Paris and Kerch. The event ends with a traditional fireworks display.