Summer vacation time has come, and everyone wants to get to some beach. After the winter snow and spring rains, the sun with the sea is what everyone dreams of. With the arrival of summer, all people free from work leave for the southern continents. But, hardly all of them know that there are still a lot of other entertainments on the sea that you must definitely get acquainted with.

For example, diving is one of the most exciting and unforgettable activities at sea. 95% of the ocean has not been explored, although human society has always tried to conquer the water. There, in the depths, a person feels completely different and sees differently. Under the water there is an opportunity to see previously unseen corals, various types of fish. Diving is diving into a wonderful world. Maybe not everyone thinks so, but only the one who came to lie on the beach and sunbathe for a whole vacation will not agree with this!
Those who come to the sea to acquire a chocolate body color prefer to lie on the beach for as long as possible. But they should not forget about burns and possible sunstroke, which can happen due to a long time under the sun.
Also on the sea, you should highlight the attractions related to water entertainment. These are such fun as a banana or a frog. An inflatable mattress with seats is tied to the boat, several people sit in them and the boat carries them across the sea. Because of the high speed, people are in a good mood. This is followed by a ball - extreme. The point is that a participant climbs into the ball, his body parts are fixed with seat belts. The closed ball descends into the water and the person begins to somersault, jump, respectively, the ball spins. Unusual and interesting entertainment. It is impossible not to mention the water park, loved by absolutely everyone. There are adult slides, children's slides, a large number of pools and much more.
Now about entertainment, which carries with it a share of adrenaline and danger. After all, many just like it. Parachute and paraglider attached to the boat, it is very mesmerizing. Fly in the sky like a bird, a feeling of freedom and inaccessibility. Not for people who are rocking from a light breeze and swimming poorly.
Another type of entertainment at sea is surfing. Quite extreme, dangerous, but alluring thrill seekers. Surfing is when you lie on a board (special) and swim to meet the waves. It is possible that someone will fall under the wave and drown, so he is considered extreme.