New Year is approaching - a holiday especially beloved by everyone. I would like to meet him brightly, cheerfully, grandiosely. It has already become a tradition to accompany the New Year's fairy tale with salutes, fireworks, and explosions of firecrackers. Fans of fire shows stock up on pyrotechnic products in advance to make New Year's Eve memorable. But do not forget that such products are flammable and require increased attention when handling them.

To create light, sound, smoke and other stage effects, pyrotechnics are intended for household use. According to the degree of potential danger, it is divided into five classes.
- The first, the safest - sparklers, firecrackers, cold indoor fireworks.
- The second is ground and flying fireworks, firecrackers and fountains.
- The third category is rockets, Roman candles, batteries of fireworks, single fireworks.
- The fourth group is professional fireworks.
- The fifth group - other pyrotechnic products.
- Class I and II pyrotechnics do not contain explosives. Sparklers, firecrackers and fountains do not even contain gunpowder. Light effects are provided by formulations such as a photomixture. Firecrackers are grating and wick. Models of the second type are more efficient.
- In rockets, Roman candles and fireworks, gunpowder is present. Thanks to this, the spectacle is more impressive: the charges dissolve in the sky in twinkling spheres and showered with fiery stars. The missiles are capable of soaring 50-70 m upwards, leaving behind a bright trail and bursting with a luminous bouquet.
- Single fireworks are sold with and without charge. An uncharged item is a set of a cardboard box and several charges - festival balls.
- Roman candles usually contain from 5 to 8 charges, which are fired at regular intervals and bloom in the sky with beautiful "chrysanthemums" and "roses".
- Fireworks do not explode, but create real light performances: they sprinkle with fountains, fly by comets with bright tails, and rush into the sky in whistling snakes. Combined fireworks are also available, combining fireworks and fireworks.
You need to buy pyrotechnic products exclusively in specialized stores. There, the products are always certified, they are provided with proper storage in a dry and dark place, the required level of fire safety is observed. Never buy pyrotechnics from stalls, kiosks or stalls. Be aware that this kind of trading is prohibited.