The New Year is getting closer and closer, and with it the sparklers with New Year's fireworks, delighting crowds of people. But when purchasing New Year's pyrotechnics, one should not forget about the safety rules.

Step 1
Do not purchase pyrotechnic items from suspicious sellers. They will not provide you with a guarantee that this technique was taken care of under the right conditions, it has not expired. Try to buy New Year's paraphernalia only in special stores that have a certificate and a guarantee for their products.
Step 2
Never use pyrotechnics while intoxicated!
Step 3
Any pyrotechnic product must only be used outdoors. This does not apply to sparklers, firecrackers and candles.
Step 4
It is strictly forbidden to use fireworks by persons under 16 years of age.
Step 5
Read the instructions carefully before use. If something from the instructions described in the instructions seemed incomprehensible to you, be sure to consult either the seller.
Step 6
Never lean over pyrotechnic items! Set fire to them from an outstretched hand with special matches, and immediately go to a safe place, since the wick of these products burns rather quickly.
Step 7
In addition to the rules about what to do with pyrotechnics, you should also know about what in no case should you do with it. And this:
- hitting pyrotechnics, throwing or pulling the wick;
- leave unattended, especially keep away from small children;
- negligently refers to the storage rules for pyrotechnics;
- try to remake the pyrotechnic product.