During the New Year holidays, people all over the world put on fireworks. This is not always safe. What is the threat of misuse of pyrotechnics.

The average temperature at which the fireworks are burning is about 3, 5 thousand degrees. Sparks fly out of the fireworks and move at speeds above 80 km / h, their burning time is about 5 seconds. Therefore, a tiny light - a spark that has fallen into a person, does not have time to cool down and go out. Once on the skin, a spark from a fireworks or rocket launcher can burn the body almost to the bone.
In fact, all pyrotechnics have a similar composition, including a combustible base and a mixture of an oxidizing agent. These substances can damage not only the skin, but also the respiratory organs. At the moment of the explosion, smoke is formed, and if a person for some reason, for example, being frightened, abruptly inhales this smoke, then the upper part of the respiratory tract is damaged.
The radius of the fireworks burning is about three hundred meters. As you can see, this is higher than a multi-storey building. Therefore, due to sparks accidentally hitting the balcony, the apartment may even burn out.
There are some rules that you should follow if you do decide to start fireworks:
• pyrotechnics are installed at a distance of at least 20 meters from people and buildings;
• angle of arrangement - strictly 90 degrees;
• permissible wind speed - no more than 10 m / s.
Sometimes pyrotechnics are incorrectly installed in crowded places, and random people suffer from such violations. Therefore, try not to get too close to sources with pyrotechnics during mass celebrations.