A birthday cake is always an event. It is not enough just to bake it and smear it with cream. If you are making a birthday cake, you need to make it the most delicious, memorable and amazing cake your birthday boy has ever tasted. But how can you do this if you have just a regular recipe and a list of standard products?

It is necessary
A standard set of products for your cake, cocoa, nuts, prunes
Step 1
For your birthday, it is better to bake the cake that you are good at. Of course, you can surprise the birthday man with something new and unusual, but if you have never tried the recipe, you should be more careful. Your best bet is to take your classic cake recipe and modify it slightly to make it even tastier and more beautiful. If you are baking a sponge cake, the dough can be divided into two equal parts and cocoa added into one. Half of the cakes will turn out brown, the other half white. If earlier your classic cake was one-color, now you can present a completely new unusual cake “striped zebra or Madagascar tiger” to the birthday boy's court.
Step 2
Experiment with the layers between the cakes, adding something new to them. A very unusual and original cake is obtained with different inclusions between the cakes. You can put not only sweet cream there, but also fried nuts, raisins, prunes and even chocolate dragees! Of course, it is important to know when to stop and not turn your cake into a basket with various sweets and goodies. But a small amount of tasty morsels, which have never been in the cake before, can change the taste of your cake for the better and entertain guests.
Step 3
Decorate your holiday wonder! The most interesting thing is the decoration. Simple inscription “Happy birthday! on the top cake will surprise no one. But if you make your cake in the form of a book, a car or some other figure, it will surely make an indelible impression on the guests and the birthday person himself. Who does your hero of the occasion work? A doctor will like a cake in the form of a first-aid kit with a cross, a driver - a car or a steering wheel, and a company director or a simple manager will surely appreciate a birthday cake in the form of a new phone or laptop. For a child, you can make a cake in the shape of a flower, painting each petal with a bright color, and the photographer grandfather will certainly be delighted with the figured “Zenith.