The process of decorating a child's cake usually starts with finding an interesting pattern. To find one, you can flip through a few coloring books or search for interesting images on the Internet. The kid will be pleasantly surprised if you use one of his drawings to decorate the cake beautifully.

Step 1
Roll out the sugar paste into a rectangle the size of the cake. The thickness should be about 5 mm. Transfer the drawing to mastic as follows: duplicate the drawing, then cut out the image in parts from one copy and lay these parts on the mastic in the form of a mosaic, referring to the whole copy of the drawing. Then circle all the paths with a toothpick.
Step 2
After you transfer the drawing to mastic, start painting the background. To do this, dilute a little dye in water and paint the background with a thin brush.
Step 3
The drawing is almost ready, but not perfect yet. Place the dark frosting in the cornet, then trace all the outlines. You can darken the icing by stirring in strong coffee. Try to withstand even pressure so that you get lines of the same thickness at the exit. Now wait until the extruded lines dry. Only then can you continue to decorate the cake.
Step 4
Dilute the glaze with lemon juice or water, then add the necessary colors to it. If you are using liquid dyes, then there is no need to dilute the glaze first. It is better to use several piping bags or paper cornets, so that each of them contains a different color of icing. To "drive" the liquid glaze into the corners of the contour, use a toothpick or the very tip of a paper cornet.
Step 5
Now roll the elastic sugar mastic into a layer 2 mm thick, then cover the biscuit of the shape you need with mastic. While the mastic has not yet had time to dry, apply the texture to it with a stiff brush.
Step 6
Cover the center of the cake with boiled condensed milk so that it reliably glues the patterned mastic to the cake. Lay the already dried drawing on it. Now you can prepare various decorations from liquid glaze of different colors (leaves, butterflies, flowers, and so on). After drying, they can decorate the surface of the cake.