The 30th anniversary is a wonderful date. This is a kind of life milestone, when a person already has rich experience behind him, but at the same time he is young and full of strength. And since it is customary to treat guests with a cake for their birthday, bake a delicate jelly delicacy for them.

Cake dough
To prepare the dough, take 6 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. flour of the highest grade, 1 tsp. baking powder or slaked soda, 500 g of dry fruit or berry jelly. For example: strawberry, cherry, apricot, apple. The color of the cakes and the aroma of the cake will depend on the chosen taste.
First, beat the eggs with a whisk or mixer until fluffy. Pour jelly into it (if you took this product in a briquette, first mash it into a powder without lumps) and continue beating until smooth. Add flour with baking soda or baking powder and mix well. The result should be a red or yellow batter. Sugar is not added to such a dough, as there is plenty of it in the jelly.
Divide the dough into 3-4 parts and bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes in a baking dish with a diameter of 25 cm. Do not forget to grease the baking dish or cover with parchment. The finished cakes must be cooled a little. Don't be alarmed if they sag a little when they cool down. This will not affect the taste of the dessert.
Cream and cake decoration
Condensed cream with sugar with coconut flakes is perfect as a cream for greasing the cakes. It is better to make such a cream in advance. Mix a can of cream with 100 g of shavings and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Then smear all the cakes with the resulting mass and combine them. Decorate the top cake as you like - with berries, fruits, grated chocolate, marmalade, icing, whipped cream or egg whites, mastic, etc.
And to further surprise guests with your culinary skills, you can decorate the anniversary cake as follows. Use a silicone or split baking dish that is slightly larger than the cake. Fold the cream-coated cakes into a mold strictly in the center. For the top crust, use jam berry syrup or jam instead of cream. Then cover the cake with a layer of white chocolate icing and let it set.
Now lay out the fruits or berries beautifully. For example, on the sides of the cake, you can "stick" strawberries, cut in half lengthwise. And on top, decorate with slices of orange, peach, grapes, cherries, etc. From apples, pears and other hard fruits, you can cut flowers or even the inscription "Happy birthday!"
The next step is to fill the cake with jelly. You can buy ready-made or make yourself from fruit juice or sugar syrup with gelatin. Let the jelly cool slightly, but do not harden. First, brush the fruits and berries with a cooking brush or a tablespoon, and after 10 minutes, gently pour the whole cake so that it "drowns" in the jelly. Refrigerate the treat for a few hours. When the jelly is completely set, dip the pan in hot water for a few seconds and immediately remove the cake from it.