What Holiday Is Celebrated On March 22

What Holiday Is Celebrated On March 22
What Holiday Is Celebrated On March 22

March 22 is a day on which several holidays are celebrated at once. These are the professional International Day of Taxi Driver, Natural Day of the Baltic Sea and ecological World Day of Water Resources.

What holiday is celebrated on March 22
What holiday is celebrated on March 22

International Taxi Driver Day

This date was timed to coincide with the day in 1907, when the first cars with meters appeared on the streets of London. Then the city dwellers called these machines "taximeters" (from the French word "tax" - payment and the Greek "metron" - measurement). A little later, individual urban transport, which could be ordered at home or caught on the street, began to be called more briefly - "taxis", and their drivers - "taxi drivers".

Then cars in Great Britain were painted in green and red colors typical for this type of transport. The more common taxi yellow color came later, when John Hertz founded his corporation Hertz Corporation and began producing special models of cars intended for private drivers and painted in bright yellow.

The American also came up with a very interesting move, within which he was able to increase the number of yellow cars in just a few years. John Hertz bought old cars, repaired and refined them, painted them yellow and sold them to less affluent people who could not afford a new car.

Typical for this type of transport "checkers" took root among taxi drivers in the 20s of the 20th century. Then the Hertz Corporation borrowed this attribute from racing cars.

The purpose of this symbolism was to attract the attention of customers on city streets, who could see taxis from afar and quickly reach their destination.

Baltic Sea Day and World Water Day

Baltic Sea Day in English means Baltic Sea Day, it was set for March 22 as a result of the 17th meeting of the 1986 Helsinki Convention. This date was chosen because on this day they signed a convention and for several years they had unofficially celebrated the Day of the Planet's Water Resources.

In Russia, the Baltic Sea Day is celebrated on the territory of the northern capital, and the organizers of the holiday arrange processions, conferences, garbage collection and other events dedicated to the cleanliness of the Baltic Sea.

In Russia, the Baltic Sea was also called the "Varangian" sea. This name lasted until the end of the 18th century. This salt water basin with the greatest depth of 470 meters was and is important for the country's shipping industry.

The second holiday - World Water Day, or World Day for Water or World Water Day - was introduced at the initiative of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Brazilian Rio de Janeiro back in 1992.

In Russia, on March 22, organizations interested in protecting the country's water resources and the whole world hold educational events designed to highlight the problems of conservation and protection. Excursions and open lessons dedicated to the rational use of water are organized for schoolchildren and students.
