Children's matinee for the holiday on March 8 is an excellent reason to invite mothers and pupils to the kindergarten. Such activities contribute to family cohesion, improvement of the microclimate and interaction of the preschool institution, parents and children. A properly developed and composed script will help to make the holiday interesting.

It is necessary
- - poems about spring, about mom, about nature;
- - songs;
- - choreographic compositions learned with children.
Step 1
Preparation for the holiday on March 8 in kindergarten begins long before the event itself. After all, you need to learn songs for it, learn poems, prepare gifts and decorate the hall in which the holiday will take place.
Step 2
Think clearly about the structure of the event. Pick up poems about spring, nature, mom, and International Women's Day. Decide who, besides the children, will also be present at the event, which of the pupils will give the floor. Consider the individual abilities of the little ones. If there are good dancers in the group, include a choreographic composition in the script. Let it be simple, but the main thing is that the children learn and perform it well.
Step 3
The presence of songs, preferably two or three, is required. Include a musical medley of snippets of children's tunes in the event program. You can also use funny ditties at the holiday.
Step 4
Come up with some contests that both moms and kids can participate in. It is best to arrange a family team competition.
Step 5
When all the main "components" of the festive event have been selected, the structure and course of the matinee have been determined, you can start writing the script itself. The holiday can be built entirely on poetry or in prose with poetic and musical elements.
Step 6
Start your party with a music screen saver. Children or a teacher can also open the event by welcoming guests. Then say a few words about the holiday. It is best if your pupils do it for you, reciting verses in turn. It would be appropriate to include elements of theatrical performance in the matinee. Let a fairy-tale character come to the holiday.
Step 7
Periodically "break up" the event with musical breaks and contests. Let the mothers also show what they are capable of.
Step 8
Try not to overload the script with unnecessary verses and songs. Do not drag out the event, take into account the age characteristics of the children. The duration of the holiday should not be more than 30-40 minutes, otherwise the children may not stand it and get tired. It does not matter in what capacity they will be at the matinee: in the role of a spectator or a participant.
Step 9
You can end the holiday by performing a song together. If the parents don't know the composition, give them the lyrics.