To give a beloved woman or girl a set of underwear is a noble and rewarding business. Your beloved will always appreciate such a gift. True, choosing underwear that your sweetheart will like is not an easy task.

Underwear size
The main thing to know when you are going to make a set of underwear as a gift to your beloved is the size of your beloved. Of course, you shouldn't ask her herself, but you can ask your sister if she has a sister or a best friend.
In case you are embarrassed to ask strangers, you can just look at the tag of the underwear she is wearing now. The bra number consists of 2 digits, and the size of the combo and panties is the volume of the girl's hips.
You can also take a set of underwear to the store, where specially trained consultants will surely help you with advice and with the choice of the optimal set.
True, you should also take into account the proportions of your girl's figure. If the figure is perfect, feel free to buy a kit. If you are far from ideal, the bra and panties will have to be selected separately.
Underwear color
Having decided on the size, you should also pay attention to the colors that your beloved girl prefers. With imagination and imagination, you can even choose a set that matches the color of her eyes or hair.
But in order not to be mistaken, you can choose the classic colors: black, red and flesh. Colors that most girls like and that go with any outfit.
Underwear style
Now that you know your girlfriend's favorite color or colors, you need to define the style. Do not rush to give a thong right away! Although this desire of men is quite understandable and understandable. Perhaps, in a thong, the girl looks the most sexy and seductive.
But if you're just dating, it's best to start with something classic. Moreover, not all girls like thongs and not everyone feels comfortable in them.
If your budget is tight, you can purchase sexy lingerie accessories: suspenders, silk stockings.
The material from which the underwear is made
The material from which the underwear is made is of great importance. It should be remembered that all day the underwear will fit closely to the body of your beloved girl and you will probably want her to feel comfortable in it.
For daily wear, it is advisable to choose sets made from natural fabrics, for example, cotton, and for some event important for both of you, silk underwear or synthetic fabrics.
Choosing the right underwear as a gift is an important event that can strengthen your relationship for a long time, make it even deeper, more romantic and sexy.