On August 15, archaeologists celebrate their professional holiday. This is a significant event that must be congratulated on. This can be done in one of several ways.

Find out what your fellow archaeologist has achieved this year. Perhaps he discovered deposits of rare fossils, began extensive excavations and studies of any places. Congratulate him on his successes and wish him not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved.
Try to do something original. Find out where the archaeologist is excavating, and come there in advance, you can with a large company. Surprise him with cheers and congratulations. Open the champagne and raise a glass to the hardworking employee and his colleagues.
You can make your congratulations even more interesting. To do this, place the gift in a box and bury it shallowly at the work site. Try to negotiate with your superiors so that they inform the archaeologist about a supposedly important item that is rumored to be in the ground in a certain place. When he starts excavating, he will be surprised to find your gift.
Together with the gift, give the archaeologist a postcard or congratulate yourself on your professional holiday. First of all, express your admiration for the perseverance and hard work of the person, for the fact that he, without sparing himself, conducts such complex excavations. Then wish the archaeologist further success in his work, so that it always bears fruit, and museums are eager to receive the found antiques into their collection. Say that you are very proud of your friend, who literally makes history by finding various antiques. Be sure to wish you health and long life, so that your strength never leaves at work, and every day will be remembered for something special.
Throw a small party in honor of the archaeologist at home. Ask your friend to tell about his largest and most interesting finds, to show the found exhibits. Let him feel how close people respect him and believe in success.