Archeology is the study of the culture and life of ancient peoples, which, possibly, thanks to the material monuments that have survived to our times. On August 15, scientists of this science celebrate their professional holiday.

With the help of archeology, much of the history of the past can be restored, thanks to special analyzes carried out on the finds found during excavations.
history of the holiday
Archeology is an absolutely separate science. All events in history are established, either based on data or according to written sources. Archaeologist's Day is not a national or public holiday. However, annually, on August 15 in Russia, archaeologists celebrate this day.
There are several legends that are associated with August 15th. According to one of them, before the Great Patriotic War in Novgorod, during the next excavations, archaeologists wanted to rest. And they suggested Artsikhovsky (the leader of the expedition) to celebrate the holiday, the birthday of the beloved horse of A. Macedonsky - Bucephalus. Since that time, it has become customary to annually celebrate August 15 as the day of resourceful, in all understandings, archaeologists.
Archaeologist Day Celebration
This holiday, like various other professional days, has its own traditions. Dedication to archeology is one of the events timed to coincide with August 15th. Beginners, having passed this ritual, are accepted into the ranks of professionals. A special scenario is drawn up before the event. Its action depends on the place where the initiation will be carried out. As a rule, the participant is invited to bow in front of some excavated artifact, after which champagne is drunk from a can, which was started in a circle. The ritual ends with great and amicable fun.
A visit to local history museums is also recommended on this day. High school students are offered various training: knitting safety knots, lighting a fire, cooking field porridge, setting up tents.
The purpose of this celebration is to draw public attention to the enormous importance of this profession. After all, this science is one of the most effective ways of knowing the past and preserving the cultural heritage, which is priceless.