People at all times attached great importance to the meeting of the New Year. The sign "As you meet the year, so you will spend it" has existed for a very long time. Therefore, the New Year's party should be fun, interesting and, of course, peaceful. Games, contests, quizzes and other entertainments will help you.

The holiday should not be official
A lot depends on which company you are hosting the party with. But in any case, it is better to write at least a rough scenario and choose a leader. The script can include traditional New Year's entertainment - funny quizzes and charades, song and poetry contests. If you have a friendly company, where everyone knows each other well, you can prepare a funny film about what each of you did in the past year. It can be documentary, fiction, animation. The main thing is that the film should not be offensive to any of the party participants. You can imagine the participants in the form of fairy-tale characters, heroes of popular TV series, etc.
For the New Year, you can organize both traditional games and those invented by the participants themselves. In a youth company, if it throws a party in nature or in a large room, such popular at all times folk games as "Brook" or "Witch" are cheerfully held. But nothing prevents you from coming up with an outdoor game yourself. Its rules should be simple and straightforward. Round dances are traditional New Year's entertainment. It's not necessarily going in circles singing songs about the Christmas tree. You can arrange games "Vorotz", "Cat and mouse" and many others. Games, of course, need to be alternated with a feast and dancing. There are also games that can go on all evening. For example, you might give participants postcards that have been cut in half and invite them to find a match. A creative task can also be written on the postcard.
Quizzes and charades
Quizzes can be held in a small room. They have to be humorous. You can, for example, choose funny quotes from movies or well-known literary works. For each successful answer, the participant can be given a phantom, and the one who picks up the most forfeits can be given a gift at the end. Charades and riddles usually go very well. In an adult company, they should be quite complex, but at the same time, witty.
For the party to be fun, a couple of interesting contests are enough. They require some training. For example, you can prepare several large sheets of paper and invite the couples to dance a waltz or tango on them, but so that the sheets remain as intact as possible. You can arrange a competition for the best balloon animal, the funniest origami, the most beautiful snowflake. Such contests are good for both children and adults. Just do not forget that no one should spoil the mood at the holiday, so each participant should receive a small prize for his work.
Songs, dances, magic tricks
You can also sing at the New Year's table. It's good if you have your own pianist, accordion player or guitarist. But even if there are no musicians in the company, nothing will prevent you from arranging an amateur concert. You can also sing with karaoke. Collect and print lyrics for songs popular in your company. Give them to the participants - many people like to sing, but not everyone remembers the words. At the New Year's party, magic tricks will also look great, even the most simple ones.