They can be considered stupid, always chatting about rags, men and jewelry. Jokes are made up about them. They are worshiped for their beauty. They also dedicate songs, poems, and even a certain day on the calendar.

The first blonde is considered to be the mythical goddess of love Aphrodite. This blond divine creature sunk into the souls not only of the gods, but also of mere mortals. Over time, this blonde girl became the prototype of anecdotes and ridicule. And so, in the United States of America in 2001, a group of women lawyers decided to prove that "it is not blondes who are stupid, but those who undertake to judge a book by its cover." This is how the World Day of Blondes arose, the date of which was declared the last month of spring - May 31. In Russia, this day was first celebrated in 2006 by the founders of the Diamond Hairpin award. The award was received by the smartest, most fashionable, talented, beautiful owners of blond curls. And on February 14, 2008, the Blondes Party appeared, a public organization created by representatives of the Mail. Ru Blondes Club. Initially, there were about three thousand people in it. Currently, the number of supporters of this movement has grown to seventy thousand. It has “its own people” in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, the Baltic States and other countries. The executive secretary of this organization is Marina Voloshina, the main initiator is Sergey Kushnerov. The party focuses on educating young people and developing business. According to scientists, in this millennium, blondes and blondes may disappear from the face of the earth. This is facilitated by the fact that the number of people with blond hair is decreasing. After all, for a child to be born blond, his parents must be blond too. But recently, fewer such children have been born. It is also possible that climate change on our planet affects hair light. However, you should not despair. First, it's just a forecast. And secondly, the chemical industry can always come to our aid, because already now the hair color can be changed at least three times a day.