Chocolate, known to mankind for almost three thousand years, continues to conquer the hearts of people. Perhaps there is no more "international" delicacy that is very popular with children and adults in different parts of the world.

The remarkable properties of cocoa fruits and seeds were first discovered by the Olmec tribe, who were the founders of the most ancient civilization in Central America. They roasted cocoa beans and added water to them, seasoning the cold drink with chili and cloves. It is believed that the tribes of South American Indians used cocoa beans for counting, and also used them as a monetary equivalent.
Chocolate entered Europe at the beginning of the 16th century. For a long time it remained an expensive product that only aristocrats and wealthy citizens could afford. The main supplier of chocolate in those days was Spain, which maintained huge cocoa plantations in its many colonies. Until the 19th century, chocolate was consumed exclusively in liquid form.
In 1819, the Swiss François Louis Cayet was the first to obtain cocoa butter, which could give chocolate a solid form. This discovery contributed to the spread of chocolate production throughout Europe and other countries of the world.
Today chocolate is one of the favorite treats of millions of people around the globe. Scientists have shown that some types of chocolate are able to ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Cocoa significantly reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms, hay fever, and also strengthens human immunity. In addition, dark chocolate affects the production of endorphins, special mood-lifting hormones.
World Chocolate Day is celebrated annually on July 11. The idea of creating this holiday belongs to the French. It was in France that mass celebrations dedicated to chocolate took place for the first time. Gradually, this young holiday has gained great popularity in other European countries, such as Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
Along with World Chocolate Day, there are other holidays dedicated to this delicacy. For example, in the USA, as many as 2 nationwide "chocolate days" are celebrated every year - July 7 and October 28.