World Left-Handed Day is celebrated annually on 13 August. This holiday appeared in Great Britain, but it is celebrated in many countries of the world, holding unusual events in its honor dedicated to the problem of attitudes towards left-handed people.

In 1990, the Left-Handed Club appeared in England. The members of the club dealt with the problem of discrimination against left-handed people and dreamed of eradicating it. The fact is that many centuries ago, left-handers were not treated very well. In the Middle Ages, such people could be accused of witchcraft only because their left hand was stronger and dexterous than the right. For many decades, left-handed schoolchildren were severely punished and forced to write with their right hand, while breaking the psyche of children and openly accusing them of inferiority. Some people have faced discrimination at work. So the American policeman was fired because he was holding the gun on the left, and not on the right, as it was supposed to. Members of the English Club were also worried by the fact that in Great Britain the word "left" often meant something devilish, disgusting, evil.
In 1992, the Left-Handed Club managed to achieve one of its most important goals. They established a holiday for left-handed people, and on August 13, 1992, it was held for the first time. On this day, it was customary to hold various competitions, games and contests, during which it was necessary to do everything only with the left hand, without the help of the right. In addition, members of the Left-Handed Club turned to sellers, manufacturing firms, designers, etc. asking for products specially designed for left-handed people. The fact is that many objects, from coffee grinders to computer tables, are created for right-handed people, and left-handed people are very inconvenient to use them.
Also, members of the Club dreamed of achieving a kind of educational reform, after which left-handers in English schools would no longer be forced to write with their right hand. In addition, they wanted to eliminate the discrimination that some left-handed people were subjected to since childhood, since their teachers taught them that they were flawed and even abnormal. Such famous left-handed people as Einstein, Newton, Nietzsche, Mozart, Marilyn Monroe, Jeanne D'arc, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci and others were cited as examples. Fortunately, thanks to such events, a significant improvement in attitudes towards left-handers has already been achieved.