The old Slavic holiday, the Closing of Svarga, or Vyri, falls on September 14th. By this time, the crops are already being harvested from the fields, and while winter has not yet come into its own, the time of the holiday comes.

Vyri is the ancient name of Paradise among the Eastern Slavs. According to legends, it was believed that the heavenly kingdom is located either behind the clouds, or somewhere near the warm sea, where the weather is warm all year round. Distant ancestors believed that the souls of dead people lived in Vyriya. Birds fly here, to the Upper World, in the fall to spend the winter. Therefore, the Slavs believed that through the birds it was possible to convey the message to their loved ones who had left this world. In Vyria, a world tree grows (usually an oak or birch acts in its role), on which birds and the souls of the dead live together. Also in Paradise, wells with clear, cold water are in store for good people, around which flowers are fragrant and apple trees grow. The key to all this splendor is kept by the swallow - it was this nimble bird that the gods entrusted him with.
The distant Slavic ancestors believed that at the Closing of Svarga, the goddess Zhiva leaves the earth - the personification of spring, youth, soil fertility, rich harvest, youth and beauty of nature and man. She is alive - one of the favorite deities of the Eastern Slavs, and they arranged for her a luxurious send-off so that the goddess could successfully get to the Upper World. After the harvest, people certainly thanked the generous deity for his gifts and asked them not to forget to return next spring. And after September 14, other, more severe owners - Winter and Frost - come into their possession. From this day on, the spirits of the ancestors can no longer walk on the earth.
However, this state of affairs does not last forever. On March 25, the Opening of Svarga holiday begins. Alive returns to earth - she and her young assistants can be seen floating in the air. Nature and animals are awakening from the winter torpor, the birds are returning. The souls of the dead also descend to the ground. In order for Zhiva to return as soon as possible and spring came, the women called upon the goddess with special chanting songs.