If you want to rejuvenate your soul, body, get rid of sins, and at the same time attract money to your house - then you have a chance. Night at Ivan Kupala will help you with this.

Step 1
On this shortest night of the year, trees, grasses, fire and water are all magical. On the night of Ivan Kupala, trees move from place to place and talk to each other. Herbs have the most powerful medicinal properties. Fire and water cleanse the soul and body. It is no coincidence that bonfires are burned and doused with water on this night. And also, according to the signs, you need to swim in a bathhouse or a pond before sunset, and walk in the dew at dawn.
Step 2
According to legend, the night on Ivan Kupala is associated with love. Lovers jump over the fire, holding hands. The girls read the wreaths and send them down the river with lighted candles. According to the traditions of the Slavs, it was the funniest night of the year.
Step 3
Legends say that the most mysterious and mysterious flower blooms on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. This is a fern flower. Although no one saw the flowering fern. However, many dreamed of seeing him. Only how many tried on the night of Ivan Kupala to reveal his secret, they could not. No one was able to see how the fern blooms.
Step 4
They said that this fern grows in the most remote thicket. And the road to it is guarded by all the evil spirits of the forest, sending those who risked finding a blooming fern, the most difficult and terrible tests. If there is a person with a strong will who can find a flower, then he will become the owner of countless treasures. And the path to wealth will open for him that very fern.
Step 5
On the night of Ivan Kupala, all evil spirits come to life and harm people. On this day, you need to be careful. Put nettles in the house, burn wormwood in the barn. And carry with you mint, wormwood and garlic. This is especially recommended for guys and girls to protect themselves from mermaids, who are very active on the night of Ivan Kupala. And burning bonfires and dousing with water are also directed against the witchcraft of evil spirits.