Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The great celebration of Holy Easter is a significant church holiday. According to the folk tradition, eggs are painted and Easter cakes are baked. Also, on the days of the celebration, it is customary to carry out various fortune-telling for Easter according to ancient rituals
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Baptism of the Lord is one of the oldest Christian holidays, in Russia it is celebrated on the night of January 18-19. According to the Gospel, on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River, he was then 30. Also, this holiday is called the Epiphany, since the Holy Trinity appeared to the world
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Easter is the brightest day of the year for believers. There are many rules and customs associated with its celebration. The word "Passover" came to us from the Greek language and means "passage", "deliverance"
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One of the most important Orthodox holidays, Epiphany, will come very soon. On this day, there is a tradition among Orthodox Christians to swim in an ice-hole. Cold water and cold temperatures can adversely affect human health. Therefore, it is necessary to swim at Epiphany correctly and observe certain conditions
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Rahmat is one of the Bahá'í festivals, adherents of the youngest major religion in the world, with their own scriptures. The yearbook of the British Encyclopedia at the end of the twentieth century estimated the number of followers of the doctrine at 6, 67 million people
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The cult of Maitreya is especially popular in Central Asia. Every year, on a certain day, determined in accordance with the Buddhist calendar, the followers of this faith celebrate Maidari-Khural (the rotation of Maitreya). This is one of the most important holidays celebrated by thousands of people
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In Hinduism, it is believed that material existence pollutes the soul, causes it suffering. The Vedic scriptures promise spiritual upliftment and purification while observing religious principles. Ekadashi days are considered to be the best days
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On the great holiday of Holy Easter in Russia, Easter cakes are traditionally baked and eggs are painted. On Easter, it is customary to visit and give each other colored eggs with the words: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected
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The painted egg is one of the main and long-awaited symbols of Easter. Many people in advance begin to stock up on various recommendations on how to paint testicles in an unusual and beautiful way for the holiday. Most often, the celebration of Easter falls in the second half of spring, when the first plants appear on the street
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The holiday of Easter is celebrated by believers in the spring, in 2017 it will be April 16. On this day, special treats are prepared - colored eggs, cottage cheese Easter and all kinds of cakes. Easter cake with sour cream will be a wonderful treat and will decorate the festive table
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Celebration of Heaven in China is also called the Day of Worship to the patron saint of worms and insects. It is celebrated annually on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. Celebrating Heaven is one of the ancient Chinese traditions that have survived to this day
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Midsummer's Day is an ancient holiday. Its roots go back to the days of paganism, when people attributed magical, magical properties to literally everything that surrounded them. With the establishment of the Christian religion as the dominant religion, the number of adherents of such views has sharply decreased
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For the Slavic peoples, June 23 from ancient times marked the beginning of the bathing season. During the day, the peasants met Agrafena Kupalnitsa and performed ritual ablutions in reservoirs or steamed in a bath, and in the evening they met Ivan Kupala
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Great Britain is a country known for its ancient traditions. It is noteworthy that many of them are still alive and passed down from generation to generation. Many religious holidays dedicated to canonized English saints are celebrated annually and make their memory alive, although they died many centuries ago
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Ratha Yatra ("holiday of the chariots", "parade of chariots") is one of the most important Hindu holidays, which is annually celebrated in the month of Ashadha (June 22-July 22). Literally "ratha" is translated as "
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The Catholic Snow Festival, or the Day of the Virgin Mary of the Snow, is celebrated on 5 August. It is dedicated to the Mother of God and her "snow miracle" that took place in the 4th century. On this sultry summer day, snow covered a field on one of the seven Roman hills, where the cathedral has stood ever since
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Ekadashi is the eleventh day after the new moon and full moon in the Hindu calendar. Ekadashi days are especially auspicious for fasting. The Ekadashi calendar indicates all important days, and they are given their own names. Parama Ekadashi in 2012 falls on September 12th
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Every year on July 18, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of St. Athanasius of Athos. The saint was born in Trebizond between 925-930 AD. He came from a family of wealthy and noble parents, but early became an orphan and was brought up by his relative, a pious nun
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Painted eggs, or dyed eggs, are one of the most important symbols of the Easter holiday. Thanks to modern dyes, eggs can be dyed in any color. You can also apply patterns or decorate the eggs with Easter-themed stickers. But it is best to color the eggs with regular onion peels
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Guru Purnima is a festival celebrated by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism on the full moon of Ashadha, the fourth month of the Hindu calendar. This day is associated with the veneration of spiritual guides. Hindus pay homage to sage Vyasa, and Buddhists celebrate the anniversary of Buddha's first sermon
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According to the traditions and customs of the church, Easter eggs must be painted on Maundy Thursday, when it is recommended to clean the house, wash, wash. Pay maximum attention to painting eggs, as they are a symbol of Easter and are considered a traditional gift for family and friends
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In Iranian mythology, Haurvat, or Haurvatat, is one of the deities that make up the immediate environment of Ahura Mazda, the supreme essence of this pantheon. In the ritual calendar of modern adherents of Zoroastrianism, the name Haurvat in the Persian form Khordad is used to designate one of the days of the thirty-day month and one of the twelve months
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Round, hot, crispy and appetizing pancakes are almost the main symbol of Maslenitsa, along with festivities, a scarecrow and snow fun. There are many recipes for this hearty delicacy, as well as traditions, superstitions, and will be accepted
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In the Orthodox Church, almost every date is the commemoration day of a saint, and June 6 is no exception. For people bearing the appropriate name, this day is a name day - a personal holiday. But for all Christians, the days of remembrance of saints are holidays
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Preparing for the Easter holiday is a great occasion to show your creative imagination. Here are some ideas to help you make your holiday special and interesting. Decorating eggs You can add a beautiful multi-colored pattern to the eggs using an unnecessary tie
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Ganesh Chaturti, the god of wisdom and abundance, is one of the most famous and revered gods in the Indian pantheon. The birth of Ganesh is celebrated all over the country, the celebration is accompanied by numerous rites and ceremonies. In 2012, the celebration of the birth of Ganesh Chaturti will take place on September 19
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The modern church knows two joyful events that are considered the most important church holidays - Christmas and Easter. Each of the holidays has its own traditions. The Feast of the Birth of Christ is considered great and joyful in the church, it is the beginning of other Christian holidays
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Easter remains one of the most important and fundamental holidays in Judaism. It is this holiday that symbolizes the escape of the Jews from the slave yoke in Egypt. Often such a great festival is celebrated either in April or in March, depending on the Jewish calendar
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All Orthodox are waiting for the biggest and brightest Easter. He is the greatest for every Orthodox Christian. Probably, there is not a single Christian who would not wait and prepare for Easter. When will the feast of Christ's Resurrection take place in 2018?
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There are a great many recipes for festive Easter cakes. Curd cake differs from the rest with its unusually delicate taste. Ingredients for making curd cake: - 300-330 g of premium flour; - a teaspoon of yeast (dry); - 3-4 tbsp
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From 6 to 14 July, the Spanish city of Pamplona (Pamplona) becomes the center of celebrations dedicated to Saint Fermin, the bishop who once lived in Pamplona and saved the city from the plague epidemic. Once the holiday was religious, but over time it turned into a truly national one
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Meskel is a religious holiday in Ethiopia, which is celebrated on September 27, in leap years the celebration is shifted one day ahead. Meskel is one of the country's central religious events. Meskel in translation from Amharic (the state language of Ethiopia) means a cross
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Traditionally, colored eggs are served at the Easter table. They are given to relatives, friends and close people. But nowadays, artificial colors are very popular, which can color eggs in all colors of the rainbow. But, of course, natural dyes look more beautiful and delicate on Easter eggs, besides, they do not harm your health
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On May 22, 2012, a significant event took place in Stockholm for the three-month-old princess Estelle Sylvia Eva Mary. On this day, her baptism took place, which, according to the law of succession to the throne, is mandatory, since it gives the descendants of the royal dynasty the right to inherit the throne
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Shrovetide week has come, and many Orthodox Christians are waiting for Lent. Each year the date of the beginning and end of the fast is different, but always at the end of the fast there comes a great holiday - Easter. All Orthodox Christians know that Great Lent is the longest and most severe
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On August 8, or July 26 according to the old style, Ermolaev Day is celebrated in the national calendar. It is dedicated to the memory of Saint Hermolaus, the Nicomedian martyr. Therefore, they did not arrange solemn celebrations on Ermolaev's day, but were engaged in the traditional things for this time of the year - harvesting, picking apples and herbs
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The Tishtar festival is one of the Zoroastrian jashnas, or small holidays, dedicated to the patron saint of rain, the Avestan version of whose name sounds like Tishtriya, or Tishtrya. In the ritual calendar of the adherents of traditional Zoroastrianism, this holiday falls on July 1
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Annually on September 27, Madagascar celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Saint-Vincent de Paul, the patron saint of this island. This man was one of the greatest French priests. And a few decades after his death, Pope Clement XII even canonized de Paul
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One of the most joyful Orthodox events is recognized as the day of the Resurrection of Christ, popularly called Easter. This is a rolling holiday that is celebrated on different dates every year. After seeing off a long protracted winter and celebrating Maslenitsa, Christian believers begin Great Lent, which is considered to be the most severe and difficult
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You have probably heard of such a famous holiday as Cavalcata Sarda, which is celebrated annually in Sardinia, the capital of the Italian island. This is a rather colorful and spectacular event, where a huge number of people gather. Sarda cavalcata is celebrated in the famous Italian city of Sassari on the penultimate Sunday of May