How To Celebrate Easter According To Customs

How To Celebrate Easter According To Customs
How To Celebrate Easter According To Customs

Easter is the brightest day of the year for believers. There are many rules and customs associated with its celebration. The word "Passover" came to us from the Greek language and means "passage", "deliverance". As the death of Christ on the cross accomplished our redemption, so his Resurrection granted us eternal life.

How to celebrate Easter according to customs
How to celebrate Easter according to customs

On the bright holiday of Easter greet each other with the words: "Christ is Risen!" and answer: "Truly he is risen!", kissing three times. This is how people become like the disciples of the Lord; these words contain the whole essence of our faith.

All products for the festive table are consecrated from the evening of Great Saturday. The offerings of believers are sanctified so that the eating of them will unite all the faithful in Jesus Christ.

Since ancient times, on Easter, people have exchanged colored eggs, following the example of Mary Magdalene, who presented a red egg to Emperor Tiberius. The egg symbolizes new life, in it life comes out of a dead shell.

According to tradition, Christians, having come from the church, cut and taste the cake together as a sign of unity. This happens in the family circle. This is how the people of God, Chosen People, ate the Old Testament Passover on the first day of Passover Week. Easter cake follows.

Easter is celebrated by the family, it is not customary to invite guests, you can send congratulations to them.

Next, the Bright Resurrection is followed by Bright Week, the church at this time does not close its doors even during the communion of the clergy. This whole week is considered a holiday by the church. It is followed by another 32 days before the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. These days are also solemnly celebrated by the church, although with less solemnity than on Bright Week.

Christians on Easter and Bright Week help the poor, distribute consecrated food to the poor.
