Bright Easter is an ancient Christian holiday. But it has long been celebrated by many nations outside the church. There are many signs and customs associated with Easter and the Holy Week preceding it, which are still observed in every believing family.

Holy Week customs
On the first day of Holy Week, it was considered necessary to put the courtyard in order. On this day, something was tinted, repaired, made. Monday weather can be used to determine whether the year will be fruitful. If the day is warm and sunny, then the summer will be pleasant and hot.
you can continue repairing and cleaning the courtyard. And also on this day they organize washing and prepare clothes for the holiday.
usually the house is cleaned.
cleaning continues. If you leave the house without cleaning on this day, then you will have a mess for a whole year. It is also important to arrange a bath day on this day. The water used during cleaning and in the bath should be poured away from home. This is believed to move dirt away from your home. They used to believe that wet bath towels should be hung on the fence or given to strangers - this would lure a quick and successful marriage.
refuse to eat. On this day, Christ was crucified and suffered on the cross. Also on Friday you need to buy many candles in the church and burn them in every room.
Easter cakes are prepared on Good Friday. It is important to read a prayer before cooking, and then start cooking.
grieve for Christ the Savior. On this day, you can not drink alcohol and have fun. Services begin in churches on Saturday evenings. It is on this night that it is customary to go to church and prepare food the next day.
Bright Easter is coming. Services are held in all churches where they sing about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Signs and customs of Easter
During Sunday morning services, Easter cakes, cottage cheese and Easter eggs are consecrated.
On Sunday, after prayer, families sit down to dinner. The consecrated food is always tasted first, and then the rest. You can't get drunk on Easter on Easter, otherwise you will walk "as if half asleep" for a whole year.
On the day of Easter, people asked the Almighty for health, strength for a future life, lured suitors, drove bedbugs and cockroaches out of the house, drove quarrels and the evil eye out of the house.
For an imminent wedding, the girls read conspiracies at a church service. It was believed that if lips itch on this day, then this is for kisses. If you hurt yourself with an elbow, then someone remembers you. If an eyebrow is combed, then soon there will be a new love. If you accidentally get a fly or a cockroach in your food, then wait for a meeting with your loved one.
After Bright Sunday, you need to bury the remaining food in the fields. This saves the crop from frost and hail. If you spray the seedlings with sacred water, then they will be strong, and the harvest will be rich.
Easter celebrations continue for a week after Sunday, and services are held in churches throughout the week.
On Easter, it is customary to visit loved ones, give them consecrated Easter eggs and dine together.