All Orthodox are waiting for the biggest and brightest Easter. He is the greatest for every Orthodox Christian. Probably, there is not a single Christian who would not wait and prepare for Easter.

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Easter is considered the most ancient Orthodox holiday, because it is mentioned in the Bible. According to the mention, this greatest holiday arose and was even before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Now this mention is "erased" from memory and many associate this greatest holiday with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was crucified and it was a sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind.
Preparation for the great holiday begins on the first day of Great Lent. People fast, pray, purifying themselves from all that is bad. The date of the celebration is always different, as a rule, it falls in April or May.
Easter follows Lent, which this year began on February 19 and will end on April 7.
So, Lent will end on April 7, respectively. Until April 8, the Orthodox must cleanse themselves, thereby preparing not only the body, but also the soul.
Before the celebration of Easter, on Saturday, Orthodox Christians go to church for a service, after which pre-prepared Easter cakes, Easter and painted eggs are illuminated. Easter will last 7 days. This week is called Bright Week.