According to the traditions and customs of the church, Easter eggs must be painted on Maundy Thursday, when it is recommended to clean the house, wash, wash. Pay maximum attention to painting eggs, as they are a symbol of Easter and are considered a traditional gift for family and friends.

Step 1
In order for the paint to lay down more evenly on the eggs, it is necessary to wipe them with alcohol before cooking. For easy cleaning of the eggs, as well as to prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, add a tablespoon of salt to the water.

Step 2
The easiest and most well-known way to color eggs is using onion peels. To do this, you need to boil the onion peel for 20-25 minutes and leave to brew. Then boil the eggs in the finished broth.

Step 3
To achieve a green hue, boil the eggs in water with spinach and nettle leaves. For a bright yellow hue, add turmeric seasoning to the water. The pink color of the shell can be obtained using cranberry juice. If, after boiling, the eggs are rubbed with red cabbage leaves, then the shell will turn blue. If you add lemon juice to the water during cooking, then the eggs will turn out to be lavender in color.